A spur of the moment playthrough as a break from playing Dragon's Dogma turned into a full main quest playthrough. I found that (with a bit a of light modding) this game stands up better than people give it credit for.

The art direction is actually stunning looking back. The world is well realised and each area of Cyrodiil feels unique. The biggest let down with the art is the character models and animations but they stand out in a very well made fantasy world.

The voice acting is actually quite good most of the time, it's just an obvious shame that they had so few actors but they all really sell it, especially in The Shiver Isles. So when everyone sounds the same you pick up on the idosyncracies of their performace and it starts to wear thin.

The repetivitveness of the Oblivion Gate dungeons was the nadir of the game for me but eventually you learn how to speed run them so it didn't really matter after a while.

The Knights of the Nine questline was very interesting and the set piece moments in that are very well done and had a big impact on me.

The Shivering Isles stands out as a great DLC especially for the time. A whole new map, new items, an interesting quest and writing that leans into the weird tone of the base game.

A classic recomened by friends. I feel that this game has a beautiful simplictiy to it one that sequels kinda lost a bit. The final part of the true ending section is a bit drawn out and weakens a very tight experience.

Short, sweet and very fun to play. A great little epilogue with good bonus content.

Short and pretty sweet. I found the puzzles are really clever but not that hard for me until right at the end. Voice acting is a bit hit and miss and the story is very bare bones. It's environmental message is a bit odd but appreciated.

For a long time New Vegas stood as "One of the best games I've never finished". Well I have fixed that now. One of the best RPGs ever designed and a game that feels like it shouldn't exist. Yet it does, and it manages to still be one of the most thought provoking and well written pieces of media I have had the privilege of experiencing.

A brilliant master piece of a game that truly shows that when a game is a good it can be timeless.

I enjoyed the memes that came from my friends watching me play. But man, the gameplay did not age well. Brilliant story though.

Probably the reason I didn't do as well at Uni (that and the undiagnosed ADHD)

A brilliant sequel, still worth playing but 3 is the better game.

A special personal story for Ellie.

My 3rd favourite Zelda game. Charming and special to me, with a consistently good soundtrack and one of the best overworld themes in any game.

Owned this game for a very long time. The remake was how I finally finished it.

A game I wish I had time for.

My first mainline Pokémon game. Never finished it or any others.

The worst of the mainline 3D games. I still like it but it is miles behind even with all the updates.