I wish Keiji Inafune was in prison with Yuji Naka

A game like this could have had so many things go wrong but it didn't. One of the most intelligently designed and passionately made action games I've ever played, dropped out of the sky outta nowhere like baby Jesus on a stork, setting the bar for Game of the Year in fucking JANUARY

Not enough room in my inventory for the 5th star
They have since patched in enough room in my inventory for the 5th star

They should have had the courage to not turn this dream into reality

If you can get past the first few hours of annoyingly dense Forspoken-for-Men dialogue, and an entire games worth of spongy Imitation Bioshock combat and janky puzzles, you earn yourself a few genuinely interesting narrative sequences and the main character talking less and actually coming off like a real human being. It was enough to make me believe that despite it's rocky start, the game was actually going to lead up to something unique, cool, and memorable.

It didn't. Don't bother.

More of what makes Bravely Default good, none of what made Bravely Default bad, but just a bit less of what made Bravely Default special.

Gameplay wise BS is a straight improvement; subtle changes make battles smoother and faster, and the new battle chaining system encourages you to put more thought into how you go about random encounters instead of quad-Braving your way through them. The newly added classes are varying levels of absolutely bonkers, and even though they rebalanced returning classes to get rid of old cheese methods, there are plenty of new wacky interactions to take advantage of to whatever degree of broken you desire.

The story, by unfortunate necessity of being a sequel, is not quite as fresh and exciting as the first game's. It doesn't go as wild places, and it spends just a bit too much time on its various romance subplots. But it is good; the new characters are all fun, the story works well to keep you invested the whole way through, and most importantly, it does not make the first game's fatal third act structural mistake. It stays consistent the whole way through; one way or the other, it is much easier to get all the way through this game than BD1. And the soundtrack, while not quite as stellar or diverse as the first game (RYO really likes his electric guitars), still has a good amount of slappers, the best of which you're blessed with as soon as you hit Start.
And for the record, if you hear anyone complain about sidequest localization, they're literally just wrong; ignore them.

All in all Bravely Second is a great followup to Bravely Default, and absolutely worth playing if you want more of that magic.

Unfortunately Mikleo's not the only thing in this game that sucks cock

Pretty good but FlipWitch clears tbh

Remember when Dauntless was coming out and its only real selling point was "Monster Hunter on PC" and then Monster Hunter World happened and everyone stopped caring? This is like that for Bloodborne except we kinda just have to fuckin deal with it

From the developers who watched a Lets Play of The Last of Us,

Good game with dogshit enemies that has been completely outclassed by everything that came after

The actual pinnacle of TP Tales game design. The core combat is faster and more combo oriented than ever before, the characters are all mechanically unique and fun to play in different ways, and an in-depth skill progression system means you always have new tools to play with and new goals to work towards. Outside of battle, the story and characters are great with some absolutely wild twists and turns, and QOL features make it one of the easiest Tales games to complete. Mostly straight but has some strong undertones

Definitely The Tales Game of all time

Watching the entire internet's negative reaction to this while I sat back and laughed was my first taste of schadenfreude and as such, I can firmly say that the announcement of this DLC made me a tangibly worse person.

Failnaught is funny, great character

The game that was too good to survive. Even if you can't find a multiplayer match the single player is probably the best "Campaign in a MP Shooter" since Modern Warfare 2 (wonder why that is). If you can find a multiplayer match it's one of the most exhilarating experiences you can have in a game (if you're good). I'd sell at least one nut for a third game