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Kam wants Psychopomp

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Kam wants De Blob 2

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Kam wants de Blob

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1 day ago

Kam reviewed Kirby's Dream Land
Kirby's Dream Land is the first entry to feature the then-monochrome titular mascot Kirby and is pretty much the foundation of every single other 2D platformer to come out of this franchise, a simple yet bubbly and cutesy adventure through Dream Land that doesn't last very long, but it feels right at home with the hardware is in with its very accessible controls and softer curve of difficulty. It's short and sweet, but there's not much to it besides the variety of scenarios you're put in, the bosses themselves or beating the game again in the harder Extra Mode you unlock after beating it for the first time.

2 days ago

2 days ago

2 days ago

2 days ago

Kam reviewed Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
Ground Zeroes is a bit odd to talk about and review in isolation, since it's pretty much tethered to the main game's story and its too short in itself to actually go out of your way to dissect all its mechanics, it really just serves as a technical demo showcasing the newest and final era of Metal Gear running on the all-new Fox Engine. It doesn't try to be more than that, and honestly if I was excited for The Phantom Pain back in the day getting a fully-featured demo with pretty much the exact gameplay as the main game and a shocking and thrilling couple of cinematic cutscenes of that caliber following the events of the Peace Walker Incident, with those dreadful and honestly pretty dark moments, damn, I would be sold with getting TPP the day it released no matter what.

The only real complaint is that they actually charge you a pretty penny for it, and while yeah you can get some mileage out of it considering that there's multiple missions to do and whatnot, it's way better to get it nowadays bundled in with the main game for dirt cheap.

2 days ago

Kam wants Slope

2 days ago

3 days ago

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