Great game in a great series. Its a shame Ubisoft abandoned this and didnt make another thanks to Siege. Deserves more love imo. Breaching mechanics are top notch and reflects the time period greatly.

Amazing game, the only real fault I have with it is that the morality system actively conflicts the combat. Fixed in the sequel though.

The idea is cool I guess, but the execution is horrible. The graphics are horrible, everything that makes this series good is gimped, and nothing feels like it fits. Its like a shitty fanfic writen by an autistic 4 year old on wattpad.


Whoever decided this game would control like this, fuck you.

I dont even know what to say, this game is so fucking bizarre I don't know where to put it.

I think the game has a very unique charm to it, with a lot to do, it won't leave you disappointed

Joseph Joestar says the N-Word and thats not very poggers :(

This game ruined my life, I was severely attracted to Trevor Murdoch (Not him irl, just his in-game render), and every time I would play I would be entranced by his image. I had every piece of Trevor Murdoch merchandise imaginable, my mom excommunicated from me when she found the Trevor Murdoch body pillow in my room, and I was homeless for the next 2 and a half years. I wandered the streets of Indianapolis with my Trevor Murdoch T-Shirt and capri pants, and my body pillow my mother had forsaken so long ago in tow. Eventually I landed a job, and a place to stay, and I've always told people I'm past my obsession with Trevor, but it's not true. My body still yearns for him, even all these years later.

No filipino twinks on the roster :(

I like the position Yoshi's in, ready to be bred.

I always hear people say this game is a "disgrace" to the mgs franchise, to those people, you're not fun at parties. Amazing gameplay, but if you love metal gear for the story, this won't live up to 2 or 3.

This game is a ton of fun and a time capsule to a better time for the franchise, and for that, it's worth playing, let alone the robust multiplayer and campaign.

Lots of cool cars, amazing physics, and uniquely aggressive gameplay.