It is most certainly a video game

I recently completed this game like 3 or so times after installing a first person mod and it quickly rose from my least favorite in the franchise to my favorite. I thought "There's no way it's as short as people say it is, maybe I just suck too much to play trough it that quickly" Then I completed it my third playthrough, then I went in for a Hard Boiled playthrough soon after and completed it without exiting the game once, then I did something I never do and completed a Dead on Arrival playthrough in one day. It's a masterpiece that still holds up today. The amount of detail they crammed in is so impressive that it's unbelievable this is a game from 2003.

I completed this game like 3 times within the span of a month and it was like a revelation. There's about 2 missions where you could fail from getting too far from the target, it didn't matter if I caused trouble at the food court, if I pressed D on my keyboard I moved right. I was playing an actual videogame, and not an interactive movie.

This game is a god damn blast. I would hug BT if he wasnt a 24 ft tall 40 ton death robot.


Incredible game with gameplay that makes me feel like Henry from Hardcore Henry or the guy from the Bad Motherf/cker music video. It's sad that it was so short but it would have been ruined if it were any longer. I vow to never ever play this game because after just one day (actually only about 4 hours) of playing I could not stop pausing irl to make time stop or move when I don't have to to make time move forward. It's the most innovative shooter i've played in years!

A complete waste of my time. The missions were cool though and it's the best optimized PC game I've ever played.

Was super boring because I dont have any friends

Technically it's a piece of junk but good lord (heh) its the most fun game to play coop in

A great game I will never play again