Expanded version of one of my favorite games of all time.
Nuff said.

I need to replay this soon.
It's so stupid and fun.

Never had the chance to play it on WiiU, so is great they brought it to Switch. It fuses the best of 2D Mario with the best of 3D Mario.
A wonderful experience.

Bowser's Fury is a nice experiment. Not amazing, but is always good to see new gameplay mechanics in Mario games.

I have never bother myself with the main adventure mode, but I have played this in multiplayer for hours upon hours and is a blast. Fast, simple and fun. The only things that you need in a party/multiplayer mode. A wonderful game.

I always feel it's very slow. And I have grown to like more fast paced Mario Party games. Its good, but there are a lot to improve.

I´m not a great Soul Calibur fan, but this series has been present in various meetings with my friend trough the years. As I'm not and expert, is hard to compare improvements in the combat and so, but the presentation, roster and graphics are awesome. And the new guest characters are on point.

Pretty enjoyable reimagining of the first gen.
It also looks very well. A nice balance between modern graphics and how the original games look.
Pokémon catching mechanics suck, though.

One of my favorites fighting games. Has very simple inputs, which means focusing more in the fight and your opponent and less in the controls.
And you can say whatever you want about this game.
But no one can deny that the presentation and graphics are mind blowing.

Zeta for the win.

Holy sh**t! I cant believe I sunk 155 hours into this thing.
Exploring the world is fun. The story is good, but the narrative is way too much animeish silly. And they expect for you to take it seriously anyway. If you don´t mind that, is a solid RPG. Oh! And we cannot forget that this monster originally ran on the Nintendo Wii , which is incredible.
By far the best characters are Melia and her (half?)sister. Even after the extra chapter I wish to see more from them, and less from the generic protagonist.
Prepare to hear the name "Shulk" and the word "Monado" like 52146 times.

This is a strange one. Not as good as the old classic Mario Bros. games, and not as good as the new Mario 3D Land/World series neither. However, is a solid platform game but feels like something is missing.
Peach with twin-tails looks cute.

Dumb story, with many funny moments and so much charm. Any RPG with action battle commands is better for me than any boring, classic menu-based battle commands RPG, so this is a win.
It's incredible how they updated the graphics for this remake without changing the feel and style from the original game.
I also recommend to play the extra content, "Bowser's Minions". Is very fun and silly too.

It feels like a Kirby game just for the sake of releasing a Kirby game. It has nothing memorable like other games from the franchise. Its good, but not as great as Return to Dreamland, or unique as Epic Yarn or The Crystal Yards.

Amazing writing and plot, on point humor (even better than in the main Borderlands series) and great voice acting.
Stupid and epic at the same time, with a cast of memorable characters and great moments.
I enjoyed this game even more than Borderlands 1, 2, The Pre-sequel and even The Walking Dead S1. For me, this is the best game from both companies.

It's a classic so I cannot deny its impact and goodness, but I didn't enjoy It so much. The limited saves you have (inks) are something vey annoying for me. I found myself following a walkthrough after a while (thing I hate to do) in order to traverse the mansion because I was afraid of screw things up, run out of ammo and health items just by running in circles and get stuck out of resources. I get is a SURVIVAL horror, but I prefer the modern approach to this great series.