Feels weird and unintuitive at the beginning, but once you get used to the controls and gimmicks of the game is a lot of fun.
It has a lot of personality. I use to think of this series and Splatoon like siblings in some manner, due to the art style and boldness.

Presentation and mini-games are good and very fun. But the story and writing are as much "SEGA" as they can be (translation: are as much cringe as they can be).
Don't take the plot too serious and just enjoy the mini-games and you will have a good time.
Loved the Space Channel 5 cameo, by the way.

I love the graphics. I love the music and ambient sounds. I totally dig the atmosphere and the original, crazy story and writing.
For real, this is one of the most unique games I have played from the SNES era.
But I hate everything else: the awful combat system with its dreaded hit detection. The original but annoying alchemy mechanics. And the frustrating, time consuming and boring mazes it has for levels. Is one infernal-boring maze after another. Is not a game from 1987; is a 1995 game. You can't be so cheap.
If someday this is remade with a better combat system and level design, it will be a truly amazing game.

This game visuals are so pleasant to look at.
Pretty good game. I just wish it has some more fast paced moments here and there. Like the grappling hook sections from the very end.
However, anything time-travel related has my approval.

Amazing game. Pretty seamless, cinematic experience. I found many people who reviewed it poorly, but personaly I can't see its flaws. Enjoyed the ride a lot.

Amazing writing and plot, on point humor (even better than in the main Borderlands series) and great voice acting.
Stupid and epic at the same time, with a cast of memorable characters and great moments.
I enjoyed this game even more than Borderlands 1, 2, The Pre-sequel and even The Walking Dead S1. For me, this is the best game from both companies.

I don't' know what the heck I just played, but it was majestic.

This thing is so much fun! Is like a blend of Sonic 2, Rocketknight Adventures 2 and Ristar. All SEGA Genesis games that I love.
Amazing writing and voice acting (better than a lot of AAA games), great level design, nice music and some spectacular boss fights. Also the characters feel so alive, and has on-point humor. And the sixth level has its own GLaDOS!
Maybe I´m hyping a little too much, but I liked this game much more than I expected.

Despite all the bad criticisms this game had received, I approached it very optimistic.
At the begging I found myself enjoying it a lot, and I was very happy about it, like "Yeah, the game is not that bad as people say".
For a moment I feel like playing on my Genesis back when I was 8. The physics are a lot like the first games, and the addition of many original sound effects made me feel at home. Also the first levels have some cool, "Sonic-styled" music.


As you progress more into the game, everything starts to get more and more rotten. The game goes from great, to acceptable, to straight un-fun.
If I have to pick an inflection point, I'd say is about the seventh zone when things go to hell.
The level design in the final third of the game is not the best for a Sonic game, and get trough each Act feels like a chore. Even the cool music from the beginning now has been replaced by generic, repetitive tracks.
There are many great ideas, of course there are, like the "rewind" mechanic on the final level, but if they are not backed by good level design, they just fall flat.

And the real game breaker that everybody talks about and I wasn't able to believe ('till now): the bosses.
SEGA, this is Sonic not freaking Dark Souls. WTF with those annoying, long and frustrating endgame fights?

Take my advise, as a friend: if you really wanna enjoy Sonic Superstars, play it until you reach Press Factory Zone. Then lay down the controller, go to YouTube and watch the ending.
Believe me: that way you will go loving the game.

Kudos for the Fantasy Zone tribute. That was really cute to find.

Great for zoning-out and enjoy the journey.
Amazing environments and great sound design.

I don't care if I had to replay it 3+ times to watch all the endings.
The final sequence of the final chapter is worth it: for a Castlevaniesque game is nuts! (in a good way). Never see it coming, even after playing the other two games in the franchise.
And I loved the little bonfire animations between levels. They add a lot of charm, and show how the characters feel for each other.

The game is pretty good, and even more if you miss the old NES games from which it takes inspiration.
Be ready for a challenge if you want to see all it has to offer.

I enjoyed this game a lot more than The Magical Quest on the SNES. Is much more simplistic, and that is very fine for me.

Amazing art style and art direction, with some beautiful music. Great option if you want to relax.
Whoever is looking for something else will be very disappointed, as the game has very minimalistic gameplay. However, the artistic side of the game totally covers that flaw, at lest for me.
The main suggestion to enjoy this is just chill out and enjoy the journey.