Rip the goat, Priconne anime was quite good and the game was extremely well polished featuring full voice acting, various cutscenes and characters full of life. Truly is unfortunate the global version was vaulted because arc 2 of this game is fantastic

This was modern warfare, innocent young women & children.....splatooned at my hand 🫴

Splatoon, Splatoon, Splatoon.....

Paper mario was quite fun, I enjoyed it a lot. Mario's always had a special place in my family's hearts so we used to eat this shit up

I remember playing this at like 4 or 5 years old, but that's abt it 💀

Nun much to say smash for 3ds was very fun

OG Mario man.....still pretty fun to play due to it's simplicity, it's aged somewhat fairly too as a result of it

3D land was very fun, I played it a lot. One of these days will need to play it again lol

Probably my fav pokemon game of all time is frankly due to nostalgia but it is also genuinely a phenomenal game

Quite enjoyed this game back in 2017, was a nasty megaman/dormammu main

Absolutely fucking peak, the game that ended up inspiring genshin which unironically caused gachas to grow as a genre vastly after 2020 even if for some really weird reason I wasn't a fan of this masterpiece it'd have to be a 10/10 for giving me the ability to get exposed to some of my fav gacha games I now play