Fucking masterpiece.
One of those games you have to play before you die if you have any respect for the hobby at all.

Didn't like it as much as 2 but it was fun enough. Not a lot to say on this series, it was kinda like junk food.

This game was a hell of an experience. I have never felt such levels of hype, tension, and sadness all in the same few hour playthrough. Oh what a thrill!

Took everything great from game 1 and cranked that shit to 11! Holy fuck this was an amazing game and loved every second of it except for the bitchass last boss fight.

Can't believe it took me so long to play this gem. I usually don't like horror games because I am a baby ass little bitch but holy shit this was like Resi 4 in space and it slaps so hard even to this day. Have yet to check out the remake but I'm excited for it.

What a fuckin stinker compared to the game before. A fucking gacha system for blades? Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? I may revisit someday but for now I never wanna see this ass shit ass game again.

One of the best games I've ever played. The absolute awe I felt when the world opened up and I saw the massive landscapes was something I had never felt in a game before. 10/10 would fell a god again.