i was vibing with the creative decision to have all spoken dialogue be in an alien-sounding science fiction conlang until i found out the steam copy is just broken to make the voice acting be in french

what if five nights at freddies tried to scam middle schoolers into buying cryptocurrency

now we know that if higurashi was for normies and came out in 2017, we would have had to see rena ryuugu and shion sonozaki shake elbows with freddy fazbear and the blue haired freak from friday night funkin in awful youtube minecraft music videos

i havent played this because the disclaimer screen told me to "Resist bad games." and i always do as i'm told so i closed the game window

the sudden anime artstyle shift that occured in this game happened to me in real life when i turned 21

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the final escape from the moon making you think this game was gonna end like bastion, only to then reveal that there's nothing in the level able to press the switch which opens the exit EXCEPT for royal's dying body is one of the most ice-cold things ive seen in a video game

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we stan a girlboss who knows how to get herself the bag

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"i'm not gonna give you the answer, so instead i'm gonna give you something you'll think about for the rest of your life"

you will enjoy this game if you treat it as a comedy

happy pride month to whatever parappa and pj had going on in Romantic Love

[checks "clown circus pussy tricks twitter into playing a 60 hour mid tier ace attorney game" off my 2022 bingocard]

i hope jj macfield is having a good day

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erika is great as an antagonist because she captures the essence of having that one entitled shithead in the dangan ronpa roleplay who is convinced they're the main character and too cool for this story while they make everyone else in the game exhausted and miserable

i dont consider the hunky anime boys in this game to be especially attractive so ive never gotten the urge to become the second person to embezzle 30,000 canadian dollars worth of other people's persona 5 zine money into gacha pulls. maybe if they added a grotesquely buff bara furry that could change