It's based on fucking Twitter interactions

Was gonna wait until I finished this game to review it but my 3DS SD card corrupted so I lost all my fucking data so here goes. The combat is great, being an excellent way to make turn based combat feel like dragon ball, and going around to recruit different DB characters is great. It's also great to mess around with fusing different characters. The issues arise from all the padding this game does. Most of the fights are random brawls with filler characters pulled out of a character creator, who you have to recruit in order to get actual characters, and I ended up making soyfaces at anyone from the actual series. (GUYS IT'S FUCKING TURLES HOLY SHIT) the next issue is that a lot of these characters spawn randomly such as Zarbon and Dodoria, or only appear in time holes you have to go out of your way to find (even then some of these timeholes are just irrelevant characters)
As for story, it's fine. It's basically an excuse for a bunch of DB characters from OG, Z, and GT to show up and call your custom character a cool dude.
Overall, the potential for an amazing dragon ball experience is here for a potential sequel focusing more on core characters or a setting based on the TOP, and I would recommend to any Dragon Ball fan. It's just not a stellar experience

Good console port. Only version I've played so I can't say how it matches up to other versions, but I enjoyed it

No idea why a Kirby metroidvania goes so hard, but it does. Fails in a few areas due to the focus on 4 players, so playing alone means calling another kirby to do platforming challenges can be kind of annoying, but still enjoyable and probably my favourite Kirby game

Story wise, a great alternate take on before the calamity. One the best musou games I've played as well, with every character feeling distinct and fun to play. The map with it's unique mission are also great. If you enjoyed BOTW, give this game a shot

Can't afford sleeping pills, at least I got this

Best Mario sports game. Good roster, great gameplay with some interesting court designs, but the extra modes and minigames are the best part of this game.

I like the cases and the music is great and the characters are likable. Would recommend

Is the best version of Street Fighter 2? Yes from a casual viewpoint, but you might want to ask a fighting game vet what the best version is. Is it worth getting standalone over the switch anniversary collection? Absolutely not, 2 palette swaps and better graphics do not beat every prior version of SF2 in history + all the other classic SF games

As a JoJo fan, I love this. The interactions between characters are great even if they never met in the manga itself. All the moves and animations being almost panel perfect effects are great, as is the intro animations having a manga aesthetic. And having 50+ unique fighters who are all fun to play (and Shigechi) is amazing. Any game that lets me use Rohan to pound Anasui into the pavement he belongs (or worse) is amazing. From a presentation and fanservice perspective, it gets a 10/10.
The gameplay, however, is firmly in the 'decent' category. Feels just a little stiff, with nothing to really write home about. Combine that with bad netcode and not much in terms of single player content, and I'd give it a 6/10.
Overall, I'd highly recommend to any JoJo fans, but unlike games such as Spider-Man PS4 or Dragon Ball Fighterz, I don't think it'll hold the attention of anyone who doesn't like JoJo.
PS: Where the FUCK is Jobin?

People who like Fire Emblem :handshake: People who hate Fire Emblem
Not liking Byleth in smash

Played on Switch which isn't a platform option for some reason. Anyway, this game is a blast. Every level is fun with some great endings to each world where you platform in time with the music. Movement feels good and game is fun either blazing through levels or searching for collectables. A joy of a game, and on sale constantly. A must play if you get the chance

Fun to make your own levels, but the existence of the sequel makes this game somewhat invalid

Fun tech demo for the Wii U, with most games being at least a little enjoyable. Good time in a multiplayer setting

Honestly one of the most overhyped games I think I've played. I found the plot predictable and while 2B and A2 are interesting characters. Both had fun if repetitive gameplay with some great boss fights, which is lessened thanks to your robot companion shooting everything from afar. 9S gameplay, however, was a boring slog where you hold a button, play space invaders for a few seconds, and then the enemy explodes. The soundtrack was great, however. The plot kept me in but there wasn't much to think back on, just dropping some vague themes and not doing much with them. Overall a decent game I don't regret playing, but probably won't be revisting