The most relaxing game where you can break your own neck because you turned three degrees too far to the left

The most charming game where you overthrow a small country, reveal that everyone in Hollywood is Jeffery Epstein, sell your soul to a devil so he can force you to commit several felonies, cause a massive pandemic in another country just to save it and be labeled as a hero, and finally fight a little girl with a mustache that could probably beat goku

How in tf is this a Roblox game, straight up just better COD

The most influential game in generations

This game fucking sucks bring back the original I beg you

I must overthrow the queen of England so I can escape London

The least strategic strategy game ever made, can be funny in 2v2 tho

Nothing special and it’s just boring af

Most unique shooter to date

Ok so I assasinated 3 innocent civilians took down four aircrafts and carpet bombed a whole city block and then I played this game when I got home

Ok so if there were an infinite amount of Mikey’s on an infinite amount of typewriters for an infinite amount pressing random keys they would be able to create Shakespeare’s works millions of times before being able to write a review that can perfectly encapsulate why this game is fucking awful

Getting drunk is pretty funni tho


I’m currently trying to escape Paris

Name a cooler game that doesn’t have any voice acting

Worlds was hype as fuck the game well is better watched than played


Nah this game sucks