lol this game has aged so poorly, can’t deny it was good for the time but no thanks to ever playing it again

like red dead, totally beautiful and kinda boring for me. i guess open world games only fully work for me if they have a really strong story or great world building

played it for the first time this year, holds up really well!

didn’t grow up with it, played it recently for the first time. it’s fine but i don’t know if i get the overwhelming praise

like it more than the original. still think both are a bit overrated but swinging around is undeniably a great time

bethesda just isn’t for me. they focus on all the things i don’t care about and skimp on the stuff i do

loved this game as a kid but i replayed it as an adult and boy did it not hold up

a masterpiece that’s divisiveness makes sense to me. funny that i find red dead more boring than this but i do

loved it at the time, but my recent replay made me realize it hasn’t aged the best

utterly beautiful and often kinda boring. good story that is too elongated at times. honestly the game is too long.

this one never clicked even though i appreciate it. i know some say it’s their fav From game, and no disrespect but i don’t have nearly as fun playing it as their others

very high highs and very low lows

not my favorite of the souls games but still a great start to a great franchise