Should've actually killed him, cowards

Trash but it's my trash thank you very much.

Played this when I was too young. My dad was like "I've never heard of a Tomb Raider game being Mature, here I'll get it for you". This is a household that didn't let me get Halo for the longest time, so when I played this and kept getting a game over screen that was Lara getting impaled by a pipe to her neck over and over again, well I turned that off for a bit. Went back and finished it though, good times.

Helped get me and my partner together so that's sick

Weird one because I ADORE the story, I love the world, the atmosphere is on POINT, but the gameplay is actually kinda Ehh at some points? Flying around gets really fun though, but I remember getting a little tired of the gameplay at a certain point.


Very cute, loved the final puzzle and solving the language, the gameplay itself though was very minimal and for being a game where you learn new mechanics, there really was only like 2 big revelations.

2nd and 3rd act drag at places, but SOLID SOLID game

I actually really love this game, I think my favorite RE game.