I wish I could rate it in-between this and 3 and a half. It's good it's fun has the most variety and most unlockables extra content and a awesome final boss. But the gimmick stages made me miss the crash stages more. There was barely any and while the other stages were fun they were basically a distraction. Movement is great but it's a shame crash gets so little levels to test em out. The final boss was climatic enough to make this trilogy trip satisfying. I'll probably revisit this one the least

It really needed more 3d levels. Not to say the 2d were bad. Infact some were great but they can come across as padding almost. Some feel so short and insignificant while others are genuinely well done. Game is probably the most polished sonic game I've played and seen tbh. Maybe generations too but damn. Good music good visual design this is probably one of the best 3d sonic games just lacks in some content. Wished they traded some 2d levels for one more 3d

This. This is actually goated. Truly one of the best survival horror games ive ever played and i do not know why i slept on it for so long. First things first the game is very clearly inspired by the resident evil of the time. It takes a lot of what changed in that franchise (all resources can be converted to money, dismemberment and of course the camera) yet absolutely smothers it in an orginal setting and sandwiched with its own ideas and flavour. The game is structured in a mostly linear way with the tram acting more like a start level and end level stop. So some enviroments do get re used but it is actually 0 detriment to the game. The context is that you are on a giant mining spaceship so it makes sense within the world but it also gets to ease the player into comfortable territory for the early levels until its starts to slip that out underneath you and truly goes deeper and more complicated where you alwasys dont know whats gonna happen next. Mild backtracking in the late game that is done so tastefully and hightens the horror rather than bogs down and drags. There are some rough parts here and there that are very little low points since they dont last long and there is some only rare unskippable sequences that do annoy if you die and have to watch but there is little complaint from me overall. The game has a multitude of set peices and fun enough mystery to solve throughout the story. The thing that amazes me most is how well this particular game not only well it holds up in the horror genre but by a game period. The highlight for me is how combat is done. First headshots are not it. Limbs are, you need to actively dismember the enemies to kill them which adds so much challenge and makes this stand out as you litreally have to play this by its own rrules and not what by your familar with. The enemy design absolutely compliments this as well keeping a great sort of variety in how battle partake. Also being an engineer rather than a soldier there is a lot of industrial feeling weapons bar one that is an auto rifle although safe to use is incredibly weak against the enemies weaknesses. The game fucks gow 2018 with it actually comitting to the one shot a hell of a lot harder and smarter, all menus are in realtime within the game as holograms rather than pulling you out to a completely seperate plane of existence. This adds an astronimcal amount immersion that is so impressive right now as of this review in 2023. Onto the remake next, i cant wait to see whay the rest of the series has to offer. I want to give it inbetweeen a 4/5 and a 4.5/5 we will see what future brandon decides

This was the first game I ever pre-order and counted every second of it. I'll never forget how fucking mind-blowing of a jump this was for me and the opening movie was a real hype inducer. I payed for price for a premium demo and I was dissatisfied with the content at first but free updates were plentiful and free cars and tracks were it's at. The game now actually has a rather decent amount of content especially for the price and even has a VR mode which is awesome and it's more offline friendly than 7. I put like 500+ hours into this and I loved it all. This is a great game although still very much a demo

That was a lot of fun. Although less linear. More streamlined kinda more focused? Pace is pretty consistent bar bloody one damn level. But it's got some very unique ideas and it's still a fun ass time. On par with 2 for me

This one's a odd one. It feels next gen but like it's dated the most out of them? The loading is astronomically the slowest in the series. The rock solid performance isn't any more and it tears so much. 80% of the cars are based off PSP/ps2 car models. Tracks are lacking some character or audience. Yet it's very ambitious? There's a lot of neat events and things to do and see here. Customisation gets another good bump finally colour changing although cumbersome. Photo shoots have these wonderful 3d environments and stuff. It looks quite nice performance aside. Finally cockpits. Used car dealers suck now tho? It's odd. The campaign is good fun and paced rather well with its variety of tracks which this has pllllewwnty of but the level system? Is odd not great but not awful. DLC cars really hurt this title cause they've been removed completely to be purchased yet the models exist in game. Top gear test track is in this. The game has a course maker although not that great. Idk it's really mixed. Certainly a downgrade in overall polish from 4 but I did start here as a teen and my first grab Turismo I bought and I'm happy I beat it. Still a good game although frustrating in areas it doesn't need to be or matter for some people. Still a great little museum of cars although old models against ps3 models look weird

Solid sequel really a fleshed out expansion. First one is slightly better in the ways I appreciate more but fantastic back to back

Player freedom. Best open world to date

I've yet to complete but I've suibken enough time to know this is a legendary action game. You get. To. Pick. Your own combos. Each button remappable to whatever move you want. So much relentless fun and so well designed fun and fair but also one hell of a challenge

This is oh so close to being perfect. If it wasn't for the game being tied to life support online even if the game is mostly offline. Like you lose access to your garage and split screen if the servers are down or you can't connect to internet. Which is absolutely ass and makes the game dead once the next comes out unless they patch it. And it didn't need to be this way. You could he mid campaign doing a race and then have Australian wifi just drop for a second. The entire game freezes boots you to the main menu and then on top of that the game can't save. Why. It's actually crap. THAT ASIDES. This games really a virtual museum. The love and detail in the cars of this game is far higher and finer than anything else. Just like gran Turismo used to be. They are pioneering in the details. The photo modes are so deep and adorable. The modes are plentiful and lessons on tracks are very welcome. The liscensing is really user friendly and although there's more of them. They're done in a particular purposefully way teaching you many more unique corners and such. Each car is just full of actual detail no more premium and standard car bs. Even select cars you can have bring to a cafe and get the original designers or engineering lads comment on it. The game fills you on so much history of not just cars but nearly everything? Like it's got a life summary too which is cool. The upgrades are the deepest they've been and come with more descriptive descriptions and finally car livery editor in a main title. The rare cars are a little price gougey and I'm especially not a fan of the top up wallet Promot whenever money is brought up. Microtransactions strike again. But I do really highly recommend this game for learning about cars. On its history or how to drives. It's a lot of fun and patience is so highly rewarding

Yeah. The honey moon phase is sickeningly sweet and unique. I beat these game 3 times within the week it released . Insomniac made every decision right although I think most could agree the story is kinda uninspired and takes forever to actually see some villians. Swinging yes feels fucking great but requires 0 skill to participate in. Combat is fine but even more basic then the Arkham games it's copying. The list could go on but you get the point. A lot of choices were catered for the larger audience. Stretching it's accessibility to even people who've never played a game or own a ps4 which again in the big picture was the right move. Who doesn't wanna play the prettiest Spiderman game ever and oh wow it's so easy to enjoy and when at the time console exclusives were only just starting to hit the main mainstream. I can't really fault for how basic the game is but replaying it makes it less and less enjoyable on each playthrough. Combat gets tedious. Open world structure is basic and story really isn't that special. It's all together ok tho. A fine Sony mid blockbuster also holy shit no-one shuts up which is like my pet peeve with modern games

PC port is yuck bro and I did expect a lot more out of this game than what was delivered here. Not anticipating the coming of Christ or anything but I was kinda hoping for a halo standard. Not a Xbox watered down farcry game. Also multiplayer while a lot of fun. Lacks content and customisation that has been severely needed now for its progression system that sucks and costs $$$ to buy skins from the fortnite store. Gunplay is nice and tight although weapons are oddly balanced(the plasma pistol is super weak in mp and you have to go out of your way to pick it up) but it's fun still. When it works. I can't stress enough how many times I've crashed bugged to 3fps or frozen up which has stopped all interest in me playing this unfinished missed potential halo game. Waiting 6 months to never touch the co-op campaign. Hopefully this game can be complete next year to impress me enough. Also all the trees are the same. Open world is lame and the campaign is my least favourite in the series that I've played (have not halo 4 or 5 yet)

Perfectly mixed bag. It's got some fun levels looks good enough and runs at 60. Kinda slow loads? And half the levels aren't good and the others are a mix of good or average