Aesthetic is incredible. Art is really nice and some set pieces are quite inspired. The gameplay feels so focus group tested. Like I can see glimpses of the new tango talent sandwiched between safe forced trend design choices that seriously hurt the game. Game has a lot of cheap one touch deaths and stuff. It lacks a lot of polish. Yet I still wanted to see it end. It took a lot out of me but I'm glad I did. Wish it lived up to what it was advertising as a survival horror. This game is a betrayal of that. Wish mikami got to fully had control over this. Hope he gets another game one last time. The letter box is cute but the forced 30 is really dull. Thank god for PC

i feel like on absolute critical thoughts its a step back from both kh1 and 2. But I can say by not much at all and there are things this game stands out with as well. It feels like this game is rather easy even on proud mode as the game does try to celebrate its return by handing out wonderous moves that are fairly powerful and strong all the way to the end. It defintely has the most options and spectacle out of the three and it continues to be more over the top and exciting however I think it lacks polish or cohesion compared to both 1 and 2. This game defintley tries to tackle a lot with all the spin offs and even adding more details to 1 and 2 to which I feel can be hit and miss. Never outright awful. I'm happy given its develpoment hell and probably reason to why some things feel off or missing, I cannot express how ps2 it feels in the best way possible. Scripted setpieces or event always give the player control or are optional, unlike games of the modern era where interactivity is stripped away to give priority to the "cinematic" elements of the game. KH3 never shys away from being a video game and fully embraces it and even if its not as tight as the other ps2 games. This is the single best trait of kh3. Its uncomprised and unwilling to bend over backwards to make it broader to more players by dumbing anything down but by going really hard on this crossover action rpg. Hopefully the next sequel can shake the baggage of engine change dilemmas and maybe returning the dialouge to the 1st two's more natural delivery. The game has some good dialouge but it is highly expositry and a bit slow and monotone. Also screw you sqaure dlc should still not be $50.

Buggy partyl broken and even with loads to do. It feels empty. This game conflicts so many and especially me. It's got the opposite problem of 2015 need for speed. Massive open world but lacking character with a few highlights. Tons of cars but I feel over half of them are old models from many years ago. Customisation is great for only very few cars. Also progression is a literal slot machine. The game tries to keep you interested with constant free shit and a map with a bajillion activities, annoying and highly consistent chattering with dialogue that is constant lampshading. Honestly prefer the live action cutscenes in NFS of old. There's a few events that are cool set pieces and a YouTube channel that I'm a fan of donut has a handful of events that are fun. There's ultimately a lot to do but it's odd having to find motivation to do much even if you're so heavily rewarded doing anything. Praying the next improves rather than steipping more features

This game gets a bump from its previous rating only cause upon revisiting I realise that we've gone backwards. An utter incredibly beautiful game. The art and tech is almost timeless. This definitely was gonna be a killer underground 3 but unfortunately it got hit with that live service stick and playing it nowadays requires fixes to get controller support working and such. But man the atmosphere alone gets the rating so high for me. The car selection although low blows my mind on how detailed they are for how old they are as well. Camera is beautifully cinematic and although physics are a bit wonky at times. I could vibe out to this game for a long time. If it didn't keep breaking on me. I wish we lived this more when it came out cause I really think NFS has regressed

As a gran Turismo game. It's starting to erk me how the games from the 90's are doing it better. Graphics and physics are the only reasons to go modern really. I could go on but I stand by the other score for how it's honeymoon period is and compared to other racing games in the modern age

You released in the best and worst time in my life. You are sometimes really frustrating and at others. Simply fucking fantastic. It is a mess of good and bad. Mostly great inbetween a lot of eh and bad. But it does so much for me. And there's still so much to do. Grab some tissues and patience. And don't look up

Fuck you hurt. Padding lame ass design choices forced walkies and some really lame levels. Clouded by the most emotional highs I've felt in some time and hype I've been exposed to. The characters sell this hard (except Jessie) and I just fall to my knees when I hear any music from this. The remake does some exceptionally triumphant things and moments I'll never forget and thank fuck is it highly replayable. Materia is so much fun to mess around with and the combat with its flaws is highly rewarding and challenging. I've replayed it 3 times now and I still very do love this 7/10 so much I can't help but be a little kind to give it a 8. There's some modern design elements I really loathe in this and it's in it really common. And sometimes I feel like a certain part or two can really kick the motivation to keep playing. But I eventually always push through cause I love avalanche. I love this world. I do love final fantasy vii remake.

Wow. I thought it'd be a safe little game to play and surely enough it was but also it was a little bit more than that. It's got a lot of charm and a huge amount of variety. The levels are extremely bite sized. Like 1-2 minutes each which is incredibly perfect for handheld and also for binge. Like I played most of this game in the car and trips and it flew by. The whole I'll play a few turned in to a lot more. It was great using the 3d effect, both for the cute novelty and immersive experience of it but also the depth perception for Jumps really helped any enemy placements as well. The 3d took a little adjustment but I never wanted to turn it off. This games bosses are a little lame but challenging still and I'd say the final Bowser stretch was a great finale one of the best. There's special worlds as post game to beat to save Luigi that I may revisit for but this really was a good light fun trip to the 3ds. My first 3ds game I've beaten

Finally. A competent quick and hype af story mode. Finally roll back. Oh damn another metre??? Replays that allow you to learn what you could've done better and the game will allow you to relive moment you could've done better and captialise on??? Also thank god finally quick load times again. Like ps2 era. This game finally gets that generational leap I think we've been waiting for since t6 really and it's astonishing how eye catching it is. The ground tears up and explodes on impact and dragging. The hit effects are delightfully over the top and exceptionally crunchy(with the option to turn down the saturation if u so wish) 32 character base roster which is rather generous like Tekken use to be. Customisation is back and while still not as many options as previous entrys. Like those last games no doubt will get more assets in the form of both free and paid DLC. Training mode is better than any Tekken has ever had although I'd say sf6 has the better teaching tools with character quire's and combo challenges being more plentiful. The replay system Tekken has is legendary. The game makes each fight feel like a cinematic last fight with how hit effects work with zooms on crush counter. Small little pauses on moment like attacks colliding or a low parry. The slowmo at the critical last hit for either opponent always is a showpiece. And holy shit unique intros and some outros as well with dialogue for a lot of characters. This game has a wealth of content offline with its 32 character endings and the tutorial campaign arcade quest. Also Tekken ball is back baby. It's really good like basically any issue Tekken has had as been addressed. Online use to be Tekkens funny bone now has actual roll back. While no sf6 it feels like you can actually play and not be tilted off as much. Replays tell you where you went wrong. Loads used to kill so much motivation to rematch now it's super fast. Don't like a characters design? Make your own. It's just astonishing how much is here and isn't extra DLC or something. This game is very generous with its content and features and is worth full price honestly

Man. I have spent the most time and possibly attachment to this one. It grew up with me in highschool. It got a few of my friends into Tekken let alone fighting games. The amount of updates this got and it's quick DLC did wonders to keeping it alive and somehow the best selling Tekken rn. The rage arts were a massive huge change that helped with lower skill and higher skill players. Giving you options to keep it for a buff. Use the art for a high damage super move or the drive to get a massive combo opener or extender. All while the less health you have the more damage you do is so badass. This game definitely has the hypest final bosses and the music is exceptionally hard. Akuma although broken was so fucking cool to have along with geese noctis and fucking negan. Customisation got heaps varied and the bowling came back. I just wish it wasn't ugly or took literally like a whole minute to load in. The online is really roigh nowadays and even back then to other fighting games. But I still will miss you Tekken 7. You made so much of who I am today. Thank you for all the hype moments and screaming with my friends. Along with absolutely killing my fingers

60 characters?!?! Like 30 stages?!?! Tag combos and throws galore, shit tons of unique outros. Super expensive pre render cutscenes for everyone. Loads of customisation. Changeable music tracks. This game has it all and yet failed hurts me so much cause it's also imo a lot prettier than t7. I've had the highest sugar rush each time I play this and I only wish to more. The only reason it's shy of the 5/5 is to battle online they baked in delay to the games engine even offline which hurts. It's noticeable when U play any other Tekken but it can't help be one of my favourites still

While I haven't beaten the story mode as it's a little ass although a different style of campaign I'd admire the attempt of. I think I've played enough to gather an opinion on this pretty solid next gen Tekken. While it does falter a little of how rich in polish and content (and possibly presentation at least for some situations)Tekken 5 was, this one I can still throw down at any time. The moves continue to expand and grow and the stages get quite the expansion to with breaks and higher detail. The customisation that Tekken is known gets introduced here and it's shockingly rich for an first attempt. Rage is introduced and an welcome addition Into Tekken comeback mechanic. Bob's in this one and he bustin also electric fountain fucks. The load times are a bit smelly amd some models and lighting look a little ugly in some areas and levels. But playing it on a modern series X loads near instant. I still remember loving this one growing up from the jump to Tekken 4 and 6 had me hyped as a kid. But the next game arguably gave us way more. Perhaps too much

Damn this probably may be the single most impressive Tekken. A roster of 40 characters. Lots of stages. One really beautiful and vibrant presentation. The soundtrack and fighting feels like modern Tekken in the best way. Individual story cutscenes for every character. Load times have retained its briefness still from all tekkens. Camera work is phenomenal and moves continue to expand and grow in size in variety. This is objectively maybe the most tight Tekken I've played. I'm just slightly biased to two other titles in this series. I'd play this one tho any day

Hard to think that this "flopped" and made harada quit for a year cause this is easily my favourite one. Childhood biases helps and all but holy crap we've got stages now and character models actually look like real people. The urban feel and the cool colours and atmospheric music maintain this as the most memorable in the franchise. Even if it was most divisive in the fanbase and the least competitive. I adore this one so much and it's dark tone and redesigns for it's characters still stay in my mind to this day. Also this has the best Tekken force and Jin design hands down. I fuck with you Tekken 4