12 reviews liked by CountCrumb

how anyone can give this higher than a 5/10 is beyond me. this is the horror game ever. i had fun laughing at it with my friends at least!

I ended up enjoying this game a lot more than I expected. At first the controls seemed a little clunky and some of the enemy's AI (especially Jack's in the garage and Marguerite during the videotape sequence) felt dumb and easily cheese-able, which broke the immersion, but after the first hour or two I started to get really hooked. The progression through the game feels very nice. It never feels like you're in the same place for too long. This game also has some of the scariest moments out of all the Resident Evil games I've played. Every main villain was interesting and complimented the overall atmosphere very well. I was most surprised by the final act of the game and how it developed the narrative 10 times further. It's probably an 8/10 objectively, but my increased enjoyment bumped it up to a 9. I heard the dlc is cool but I'm waiting for the next steam sale to play them.

See heres the thing, you come home after a long hards day of work, and you have already worked so hard, you dont feel like playing a game where you have to be challanged like shooters or even story based games. With this game you make your own fun, literally; making and desinging your own cities, where you can feel free to fix the issues you may have in your own cities. Building large infrastructures of complex layouts and literally saying to the government, hey man theres a better way.

The other aspect of this game is dark and grim. It is one of those games that tends to suck you into it, like doom scrooling for hours to no satisfaction. Yes, this game is great if you just want to kick your feet up and relax, but its usually always better to work up to your satisfaction. In this sense shooters and especially fromsoft games excel, they provide a feeling of hardship and suffering whihc makes you want to delete the game and give up. But when you do beat a boss, get past a hard section in a game, or figure out a compex puzzle, the feeling you get from it is uncomparable. Playing this game for hours has also led me to realize how this playing this game for hours is like me running away from problems in my own life.

I get lost in time playing this game, but that doesnt mean the game is addicting, its just my relationship with it. Im addicted to CIty SKylines. But hey man its on and off Ill have like a week bender and then just not hop on because if I know I do, Im not getting off for a couple of hours at least.

Overall solid game would reccomend

visuals alone this game deserves 5 out of 5 stars. nuff said

Following years of mostly multiplayer gaming, I believe this was the first single player game I had actually completed all the way through. A couple points that stand out to me years later-
Combat - Despite weapon variety adhering to the time period, gunplay is engaging, as each firearm packs a punch (think Django Unchained shootout scene). Hand to hand combat is also a step up from previous Rockstar titles. Also, it doesn't get much better than hog-tying your enemies and dragging them through the mud, rocks, and dirt as you ride your trusty steed. Combat is by no means a challenge, but it is fun.
Morality System - While simple, it is a nice feature that just makes sense in a game where you play as an outlaw during the tail end of the wild west. It also makes sense when you consider the larger themes the game is conveying.
Story- This game rises above many others through its story and characters. Thanks to the writing, the main characters throughout the narrative are fully realized , compelling, and bounce off of each other well.
NPCs- Realistic and I liked talking shit to them
Vibes- Nothing is cooler than outlaw gunslingers robbing banks and trains, firing off rounds in every direction towards a seemingly endless wave of lawmen, Pinkertons, and rival gangs.
In conclusion, I want to ride a horse (like in Red Dead Redemption 2)

A nice add-on for the main game and a nice gimmick with the "Bigsnax". I would perfer if there were more areas than just the one.

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Skidd McMarx returned, that had to be my favorite part of the game if not for the alternate dimension Skidd (Phantom) whom is a boss. But about this game, it was great, the story progressed right from "Ratchet and Clank" [2016]. When starting with the game, I assumed that the two separate stories would be annoying jumping back and forth from one another. Switching between characters was nicely worked in within the story. The final boss fight was the amazing, utilizing both characters within the fight in different phases was a great way to see both dimensions characters fight along side each other. Although the story was similar to "Phineas and Ferb Across the 2nd Dimension" it was still unique and had a good story.

Very quick simple game. Every level was the same besides the soup one. Dialogue was good but couldn't carry the nothingness gameplay.

This game was so fucking bad even as a kid