48 reviews liked by Coxinhazord

Fuck this game and it's Wattpad fanfic-tier meta bullshit. They ruined Aerith's death.

动态网自由门 Odebrecht 天安门 法輪功 Bolacha 天安門大屠殺 Green module 1987 反右派鬥爭 Israel did brumadinho 大躍進政策 the pregnant woman of Taubaté 文化大革命 sopa de macaco 人權 Gunther Schweitzer 民運 Fat Ronaldo knew自由 Oak Bukowski 獨立 Whistle mafia 2005 多黨制 TV Globinho Roberto Marinho KGB plant 台灣 臺灣 9/11 DBZ Mandela effect 中華民國 Dona Florinda was a whore 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Mossad killed Senna 達賴喇嘛 Gripezinha 法輪功 marajá hunter 新疆維吾爾自治區 kosherdona best player 諾貝 Padre Lacre de Melo 爾和平獎 Padre Marcelo assassination attempt 和平Celsium 157 劉暁波 Carandiru ethic cleansing 民主 言論 思想 反共 Banheira do gugu 抗議 運動 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 Moro cia agent 維權 Amazonia international territory 游行 李 7x1 斷種 2 girls 1 cup 一 监视 镇 Varginha UFO incident 1996 魏京生王政于民和平演变 Steal but do 反革命抗议 Pastel the flango 制断种强 Marolinha 问 dengue biological weapon argentina Panico na TV 多黨 rato na coca 老鼠 holy empire RJ卡帝國 Chorão Los Hermenos incident 哭泣的事件 Coffin Joe not a actor 棺材乔 Fausto Fanti alive in Serbia 爱马仕和雷纳托 Tigresa Vip 子 Lages Santa Catarina 垃圾 Minilua suicide cases 2012 小鸡 localização do chinelo 触发器在哪里 Liminha real name 边境 Operação Prato 等 Joelma building 乔尔马大厦 inocência do Temmer 无辜 Leno Brega don’t exist 嫖娼 Silvio Santos traficante 毒贩子 Jules Rimet fake theft 朱尔斯·里梅特 German BBB 7 fraud 德语 Lisorinho verdadeiro pai do boneco 反馈 mc piraque mc pq roubo de identidade 身份 Pine Tree army soldier 松树 forjação de áudios engraçados do zap 扎普 Merend Mafy 馈松树 Okaida 的事件 Pedro Bial soccer play 毒贩动态网自由门

Played the original release on its launch and I didn't like it.
Played Special Edition with 70+GB of mods in 2023 and I still didn't like it.

Cannot understand what people see in this game.

vai toma no cu apelacao do caralho

The interactivity in this game is so underwhelming you can basically do nothing and you'll get the exact same ending as everyone else. It's more of an animated movie than a visual novel or game, and unfortunately none of the choices really matter and GVH loves to start plot points and go nowhere with them, including the ending itself. I would've loved to see what the original draft was before it was scrapped, I'm unsure why this was delayed for so long or why it was advertised alongside the ps5 but unfortunately it was not worth the wait and it's less of a "furry/scalie dating sim" like the internet had been saying, it's more just a movie with limited interactivity.

Cathedral of the Sacred Blood is enough to give it 0.5 stars but overall a fun experience if you like souls-likes.