A Great Thriller and mystery game that has made me look up other games from this company

This game is everything that original Psychonauts was plus more, adding the little features that make the game much easyer to control

Honestly there is nothing about this game that is bad to me as a avid reader. The story is great, the voice actors are top notch, and even failing rolls adds a whole new level of fun to the game itself. Heck i failed the first roll in the game twice and it was funny as heck

Honestly for a Hentai game its actually pretty fun, building up stats in a time limit. changing different parts of your bot and even the story is good. Only wish tho that there was a clean version of this without the tons of porn in it

My god this game back in the day was only one of two games my brother ever played, then eventually made me play to unlock everything for him because he had no gaming skills.

While i have played the first one on the ps4 ( and never got around to finishing ) i have to say thanks to gamepass i started this one and played though to the end, the only real complaint that i have for this game is there are waaaaay to many tutorials . i mean i understand that if you go to a new area that you need to learn new things but come on, five of them is just too much

Probably one of the best ways to get into the yakuza game series as a whole, it shows you how two of the series main characters becomes who they are and how there legend truly begins

Things we need more of. Ninjas check.... Lady Ninjas check..... Big tit anime ninjas check..... Big tit anime ninjas with great back stories and a descent plot, check. Ok boys and girls i can safely say that this series is a 9 out of 10. why a 9? simple..... The Light BAR!!!!

I remember the day i got game, i was in the car with my dad looking at the box and reading all the things that were new about it to my dad. then i got home and ripped that box to shreds and proceeded to play that game for several months until finally i bet the battle frontier and showed it off to my brother..... who then decided to delete my save and play it

While i am a fan of the person series since the second game, i will say that this was a good way to not only add new characters to a already amazing story but it also polished itself into a more rewarding game in general. While i am sad that i don't fill the need to play it again after perfecting it ( for now ) after the FIRST PLAYTHROUGH, i can still say that it was probably the most fun i have had playing a persona game to date, at least till they announce Persona 3 remake .....Please let it happen!

I will be brave and just say this, the only reason i got the game was for three reasons, one the anime was coming out and i wanted more context. two, ive seen pictures of the characters in other media and i wanted to know where they come from. and finally three and im sure im not the only one..... I wanted to see the X rated version of it on steam and got the dlc that they had with it . and holy mother of all that is holy it was amazing.... this game is a master peace in more ways then one, so expect so see me review the other games

This game was actually what got me into getting the storm naruto games, with its mini missions of running around the village to the big fights from the beginning of one of my favorite shows this game holds a good place in my heart. Also funniest part was where you had to use a jutsu on the men in the village to like you haha never got old

Honestly its just one of those games i just seen on the store and figured eh ill try it out, but then before i knew it i was racing to 100% it on the first day of release and make it on the leaderboard of True achievements ( which i did, the upper 30s which is descent )

Ive really only ever played the game so many times so that i can reply the endings boss fight and lesson to the song play as i fight as super sonic

This is one of the first games that me and my dad played together back when i was young ( cool parent by the way ) so there are a lot of memories with it. I remember unlocking all the characters and getting its secrets.