"Why does Sonic use a hoverboard? He's the fastest thing alive, just run during the races. I'm a 32 year old living at my moms house, who hates fun and will do anything to make a non classic Sonic game look bad."

Undeniably terrible, but the series still has more finished games with less redeemable qualities (e.g: this actually has level design).

Sure the DS wasn't a powerhouse, but who bit crushed the audio to this degree?

Probably the most confusing hate towards an entry I've seen. People really let 06 control the series at this point.

Glad to see it's developed a cult following at least.

Kid: "Mom, can we get Sonic Unleashed?"

Mom: "We have Sonic Unleashed at home."

Sonic Unleashed at home:

Yep, he's certainly back to the glory days...

Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles:
12 levels each, 28 levels overall when combined with lock on technology.
Was meant to be one GIANT ambitious game, separated due to time constraints and limited technology (and also money in the long run).

Sonic 4 Episode 1 and Episode 2:
8 levels each, don't combine together.
Was split into parts to begin with for... reasons... ($$$).

The most overrated Sonic game. Feels like people clinging onto any minor form of quality and exaggerating it, despite spitting in the face of the other quality titles (Unleashed supremacy).

Everyone: "Alright, it's been 20 years, we can indulge in some juicy nostalgia, but don't make it the series identity for the next decade."

Sega: "..."

The most dramatic decline in quality I've ever seen.

Great first act, palatable second act, and abysmal third act.

Why did Sega do everything in their power to make sure this game failed?

Sega's non Sonic IP's funeral.

What? Sega All Stars? I think you'll find those include:
Dr Eggman
Danica Patrick

The REAL Sonic 4 (could do with less nostalgia pandering reuses of stages though).

One of the most soulless experiences of my life.