Ori and the Blind Forest is a 2D Metroidvania game starring Ori, a ridiculously cute glowing animal with big eyes and long ears. Heavy on style, this game has a very strong visual style to it, with excellent-looking environments and enemies and allies that fit into the style of the world very well.

Accompanied by Sein, a ball of light which represents the last spark of the Tree Spirit’s power, and whose voice is strongly reminiscent of Navi the fairy from Ocarina of Time, Ori is tasked with restoring the wind, water, and fires for the forest to revive the Spirit Tree before the woods die for good.

The narrative is woven into the gameplay, but while the narration (spoken in a nonsense language, translated to English on-screen) works well enough, only the prologue really blows you away. At twelve minutes long, it is kind of pushing it as far as intro cutscenes go, even if you can technically “interact” with the environment in meaningless ways, but it does an excellent job of setting the emotional grounds for the rest of the game, even if the character we end up bonding with isn’t the one we spend most of the game trying to save (which is rather unfortunate, given that I cared much more about them than I did about the deep-voiced Spirit Tree). Still, it made me want to see more, and while some of the later cutscenes are of reasonable quality, they’re just not as good as the story at the start of the game.

As for the gameplay itself, it works great. The controls are tight, the abilities you acquire over the course of the game are mostly used in interesting ways (with one kind of lame exception), and the gameplay brings together all your abilities in natural-feeling ways to make exploring the environment of the game-world a fun and enjoyable experience. The environment are interesting, both visually and technically, and there are a reasonable range of challenges, including offbeat gameplay elements in the first two “dungeons” in the game, with the third and final dungeon being sort of a recap dungeon that tests your ability to use your abilities to the fullest.

The overall progression in the game feels mostly natural – you get your abilities, and your new abilities allow you to visit new areas. But more, your beating the dungeons actually changes the world environment in significant ways which further your ability to explore. The first dungeon cleanses the water of the world, letting you swim around the environment, while the second produces updrafts of wind in certain areas which allow you to fly using your parachute ability. Both of these follow naturally from the themes of the dungeons, and they both feel like they have real repercussions in the game world, furthering the game’s theme of restoring the forest to life.

The enemies, too, are mostly pretty reasonable, though unfortunately the variety on them does begin to wear thin after a while. The game is about ten hours long, but you encounter all of the enemies in the game before you even reach the final dungeon – indeed, you may encounter them all before you even enter the first dungeon, if you go out of your way to explore as much as you can. While they do a pretty good job of exploiting the game mechanics, after a while they do start to feel a little repetitive rather than fresh. Still, the environments tend to be novel enough that this isn’t a huge deal.

The secrets are decently hidden – there is no guidebook necessary to find them, as you can unlock the ability to reveal them on your map, or even visually on-screen. Some of them are kind of a bit boring to get back to, involving boring backtracking to just use one new ability somewhere, but some of them are well-hidden at the end of miniature mazes, and those feel rewarding. These secrets unlock more health, energy (used for a couple of your abilities – including the ability to create save points anywhere, which can also be used to restore your health somewhat), and improved versions of your basic abilities on your skill tree. There are enough that they feel interesting to find, but not so many that they’re onerous to collect; even still, the “find all the secrets” achievement is a bit dumb, because there are some secrets which are not revealed on your mini-map from unlocking your skill tree.

This sort of minor design oversight shows up a few times in the game – one of the achievements just plain old didn’t work for no apparent reason, and none of the dungeons can be revisited in order to collect secrets you missed, which is kind of annoying if you’re a completionist type.

On the whole, Ori and the Blind Forest is a good game, but not a great one. It has some flaws, but its overall quality makes you want to forgive it for them. You generally have fun going through the game, and the platforming challenges feel fresh and challenging. At about ten hours long to get 100% completion, it isn’t so long that it wears out its welcome, but isn’t so short that you are left wanting

Dark Souls is a true masterpiece, in my eyes the best game of the 2010s decade.
The game is notorious for it's difficulty, and a lot of people seem to down rate it just because they become frustrated whilst playing it. When playing Dark Souls, you need to be in a set of mind that the game is SUPPOSED to be difficult, in this game, clearing an area or beating a boss is a true accomplishment, it's something you worked hard to achieve... And whilst it is true that Dark Souls is very difficult at first, it is never unreasonably difficult, if you are dying on a boss, it's because you are doing something wrong, not because the game is too hard. Each boss requires a certain strategy, there's never an enemy that's a pushover. This is a game, where you need to use your brain to progress, the weakest enemies in the game can kill a character that's cleared the game with only a few strikes, but then that wouldn't happen, because you would have learned to evade them so well. It's a game where you're constantly forced to say, what if I tried this, or what if I dodged this way instead, till eventually you figure out the proper way to defeat an enemy or boss.
The difficulty in Dark Souls lies not in overwhelming enemy stats or bad balance, it lies in the level of skill required to play it; the game is perfectly balanced

Such a solid overall package.
This is the way this game is meant to be played, with all its Expansions.
All the additional content doubles the playtime, and fixes some issues the main game suffers from.

An amazing journey of a monster hunter in every way possible.
The main story is very well made with a great cast of characters, and the writing is fantastic, everything in the game has depth to it.

The amount of content is absolutely ridiculous, at first you might get overwhelmed by all the activities the game throws at you, but exploring the map and doing side quests is definitely worth it, this game has perhaps the best side quests I've ever experienced, and the quest design is phenomenal.

The dialogue options are groundbreaking, almost every quest has different outcomes and interactions, it's insane. Your actions have consequences and if you're not careful, you can miss entire questlines that can alter your experience.

It's an all-around solid game, it does almost everything very well, except from the controls which are a little bit clunky so you'll have to get used to it, and some animations look weird.

This is still one of my favorite Mario Games. I think it has aged very well and it is still fun to play even after finding all 120 stars. The graphics still hold up well and there is so much to do in the game that it is still fun to play even after all the stars are found. For good reason Mario64 will be forever considered a classic platform game.

My favorite Pokemon game, so many hours spent on this <3

My favorite Final Fantasy and Jrpg, its the best overall package imo.

MercurySteam's best work yet, adjusting all faults that Samus Returns on the 3DS had and enhanced all previous ideals to a near perfect 60FPS. At face value without context you would believe the game was filled with cutscenes that played for you but if you will simply see Samus manhandle a boss pointing her gun at it without firing a thing if you the player does not play the game.

You will be challenged, and if you think you broke the game to get something early you may find you will be rewarded for your effort.

Visually comparable to XBLA games in memory but not in actuality, the animation workflow is fast and fluid you'll wish to see done in other genres.

One of the few Switch games that support 5.1 Surround sound, though most of the music is atmospheric similar to Super Metroid's original scores, and simply no scores similar to classic or Fusion's rocking scores outside of rearrangements of classic melodies.

Basic first runs can be completed in 8-12 hours depending on experimentation, but second runs can be beaten in less than 4 hours, with some speedrunners attempting to break less than 2 hours as of this review.

The only downsides is simply being a game on aging Nintendo hardware, while native 720p in handheld mode the post-process free 900p in dock mode may look simply too crunchy on modern 4KTVs. Hard mode is unlocked completing the game, but hardmode simply just makes the enemies do insane damage but all still die the same as normal mode it's simply a mode to challenge hardcore enthusiasts and not recommended for clumsy players, you'll be able to beat normal/hard mode in the same time frame if you never get hit once

The Wolf Among US is a choose your adventure narrative game with a unique comic book style art style. It has a good sense of mystery at first but doesn't really go anywhere. I didn't really like any of characters either

With a story at least as, if not more, compelling than the base game's, I can't help but be impressed by the staggering amount of extra content here. This truly feels like a sequel rather than a mere add on to this already incredible game and it ties the story up beautifully.
Blood and Wine is an outstanding DLC and I would say the best part of The Witcher 3 set! Toussaint is an amazing place.