Makes RPG combat into something that I can enjoy. Action commands really make stuff fun, and the simple and exact numbers make strategy much more interesting.

TTYD introduces a lot of great stuff to the battle system, but also introduces some dumb random elements that can (if rarely) totally change a battle’s outcome. It also has a much better story than 64, but also a bunch of the bad type of backtracking.

Great story, it’s simple on paper, but made much better through execution. Not quite as fun as 64 or ttyd gameplay wise, but it’s very fun in its own way.

The level based structure isn’t my favorite thing in the world, but it wasn’t a deal breaker. My main issue is the combat. Turn based combat is already difficult for me to get into, but this game doesn’t even give you much incentive to do it. And the situations aren’t as interesting as super paper Mario.

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The worst game I have ever played. Combat is like a puzzle game, which could be fine, if it wasn’t the same few puzzles over and over. Missions outside of combat aren’t particularly fun. Story apes TTYD in a lot of ways, I know the bomb’s death was supposed to be emotional, but it just didn’t hit for me, same with the ending fight with Olly. The desert chapter is literally the worst experience I’ve ever had playing a video game in my entire life. There is not a single game I would not rather play than this one.

Yeah, it’s fine. I’d say it’s not really worth playing nowadays. It’s pretty primitive compared to something like Batman Arkham, spiderman ps4, or even the sequel to itself.

This game is still unmatched in many ways. The physics based swinging takes a bit to figure out, but once you get it, it’s some of the most fun you can have. Combat and Story are pretty middle-of-the-road in a lot of ways, but they kept me engaged enough to see it through until the end.

Take Spider-Man 2, remove a little of the good, sprinkle in some more of the bad, and ban, you’ve got Spider-Man 3. A good enough time, but not as good as 2

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Time travel, Venom (white version for some reason), and doc ock become one. It’s terrible and I love it.

Holy mother of God this game is good. Combat is acrobatics and visceral, and gives tons of options without overwhelming you with them all at once. Story is the best spider-man story in a movie or a game. Side missions are fun. Swinging is fun in a completely different way than spider-man 2. The difference between Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man ps4 is similar to the difference between classic sonic and boost sonic. Spider-Man 2 (and classic sonic) have you gain speed by using physics and the environment to your advantage. While Spider-Man ps4 (and boost sonic) give you that speed through a single button, but there’s still many ways you can improve beyond the initial speed you’re given.

Still good, very derivative of the original, and doesn't add a ton of new stuff. Combat is better, there’s no mary jane missions, and story is worse.

Man, what can I say about this game? This game has transformed what I thought a game could and should be. I don’t want to say anything about it, because if you’re thinking about playing it, you should stop reading this and just play it.

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I wish so badly that I was able to enjoy the majority of this. But because of the horror elements, I wasn’t able to experience this game like I wanted to. There’s still an awesome mystery to solve, and the story still has that unique “outer wilds” feel to it. There’s awesome moments, and the sailing is fun. The horror just made it essentially impossible for me to experience it, and I had to have some friends give me information so I was able to get through those sections at all.

Like outer wilds after it, this was one of those games that complete changed how I saw video games. It has the most emotionally impactful story I’ve seen in a game. The combat is somehow fun despite the fact that it’s turn based. And the characters are all likable and fun.

The most innovative shooter I’ve played in years.