In a lot of ways, Rebirth did so much more than Remake that it looped all the way around to being kind of an inferior package in my eyes.

Sure the 4x amount of content in Remake's style was mostly awesome. But the amount of mechanics, minigames, and even size of scope wore me down. Not to mention the changes from the original I found to be weaker compared to what Remake did differently.

Is this too low?
Idk its a solid platformer all around, but I just wasnt floored by the creativity as I might have been in 90s


Winter landscapes and cute animals cant mask the price tag on this one chief

(I played co-op, I feel like it would be at least a star lower without that)

Simple and Cute! Not a ton of depth or content, but for the price you really cant complain

I would say "we have rondo of blood at home"

But at least your heated up leftovers taste kinda alright

Peak classic-vania. No wonder they felt okay taking a risk with SotN. They had done all they needed to here

Wonderfully consistent metroidvania, so solid all around. Not a lot sets it apart, but it doesn't have to. It knows what its about and it delivers a good time

Truly one of the castlevania's of all-time (non-insultingly)

mr krabs playing golf

"Wait a minute Im NOT a monster hunter fan!"

Looks cool, sounds great, and the platforming I found to be a lot more fun that HLD's gameplay

But man the heart machine storytelling/pacing, dont know if itll ever win me over

"what a horrible night to have a curse" is hard af line and Im tired of pretending its not

Pacing holds it back, and Im a VN fan.
But man when its hittin, hollllllly shit

like... its my favorite of the series so far, but I also feel like were stagnating a bit here. SM 3 needs to shake things up or gonna go down a couple points

Its called Baldur's Gate 3 because you experience 3 games worth of top tier content before reaching Baldur's Gate

I get what were doing here, but the execution just feels so sloppy and rushed