149 Reviews liked by Cton95

Pro tip: don’t take ketamine in the Krusty Krab


You're not a real video game. A small fan game for Christ's sake, for Nintendo DS? I worked my ass off to get a backloggd page and you take these shortcuts and you think suddenly you're my peer? You do what I do because you're funny and make people laugh? I committed my life to this! You don't slide into it like a cheap pair of slippers then reap the first place on the all-time best list.

''Holy shit this game was scary'' I said to myself in pure daylight with the blinds wide open under a blanket with warm coffee with the game volume low and a podcast playing in the background with the gameplay set to easy

Erases representation for the most oppressed minority: left handed people

Actual unironic king shit until you get to the later levels and the game's only form of difficulty is 'all the platforms are small and moving'. Also goddamn this has some of the worst audio mixing of anything on earth

Game for people who still find Family Guy bits edgy

it's actually called "Super Mario Bros. 2" in japan

That's what all you politicians are. Big cock, but no cum.

Crazy how this came out two generations ago and action games still haven't figured out the importance of vocals kicking in during the final phase of a boss fight

projared gave it a 4 out of 10 but he cheated on his wife

Okay yeah maybe Hiroshi Yamauchi messed up letting this one get away

Our bad

See they got it RIGHT this time because they actually put it on a sensible piece of hardware.

I dunno guys. The game's okay, but this controller is just not doing it for me. Maybe if it had like one giant green button in the middle of the others? Idk