11 reviews liked by Cublex

I'm fucking awful at this game but if you put 2 people in a room who are both bad at the game prepare for one of the most entertaining experiences you'll ever see.

its like squid game with more slurs

Tfw you fail a Tetris level because you’re crying too hard in VR

-2 stars for that cornball rap on level 2, but it’s a seven-out-of-five otherwise so it all works out

I didn't play all the puzzle mode, but it doesn't seem anywhere near as fun as the rest.
Good vibrations

fuck you you piece of shit idiot grandpa

Why the fuck do the little guy say ecchi when he gets yeeted

Sometimes I like to half-inflate them just to watch them writhe...

Cheaper than paying for therapy.

the only reason i'm a demiboy and not fully agender is because i haven't finished this game yet

whoever said 3d world was on the weaker end of 3d mario games lied this was peak

skeeter rolls WORST JOINT EVER. asked to leave wet-dry world