One of the best short-session games I've ever played.


Underwelming. Decent story, writing was trying hard to be funny but usually falls flat, and then every area of the game goes on for FAR longer than it has any right to.

one of the coolest games on the system

It fixes a lot of issues I have with csgo. But also lacks a lot of what makes csgo so great.

Take a fantastic mechanic, the whole physical body thing.
And then put it into one of the most generic campaign designs. You can quite literally finish this game by only running towards every enemy with your fist out which instantly kills them. Not to mention nearly every enemy is identical and lacks any real ai.
Overall one of the most disappointing VR games to date.

There is genuinely not a single positive thing I can say about this except the one fight has cool visuals

Dude I have like 54352525 hours and I'm still not bored of this shit after an entire decade of playing this game what the fuck

Wait guys this is actually kinda awesome

This game is tough cause you'll either have a wonderful time or just do things in the wrong order and have the most grueling video game experience ever (this happened to cybo)

It's kinda nuts that they went for round 2 and made the best survival horror ever and then just fucked off for every proceeding game