120 Reviews liked by DKZK21

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This game's quality ramped up intensely towards the last few hours of gameplay. The writing is pretty solid throughout, but certain allies like Felix, Nyoka, and SAM were noticeably underwritten and undeveloped compared to Max, Parvati, and Ellie. There's nothing incredibly revolutionary here as far as politics go (it's pretty surface level "extreme capitalism bad") and I find it interesting how there doesn't seem to be an outright happy ending, which makes sense - the ramifications of a terrible system are sure to resonate through generations and not just fix itself perfectly. That said, the overarching story wasn't what I was playing for. The interactions between the characters and the side quests and faction missions were the meat of the game, and that was what I loved (especially since it got me off of Monarch, what a boring arc). I LOVE that at the end of the game it gives you a sort of "where are they now" for the planets and characters. Finding out the way that Ellie's mind changed or Max came to peace with his loss of faith felt almost more gratifying than the ending of the story itself. It's a messy game for sure, but it's one of the few games I've played that steadily increased in quality throughout. Parvati and Junlei are incredibly cute and I was stoked to see them get together.

The most punishing, unfair, and outright cruel city builder ever made. It is magnificent.

Best game the Yakuza devs ever made.

Love a fighting game that feels like it has a manual transmission.

The most fun I've had playing a racing game.
Wish you could turn traffic off though.

I've included links to get MGO2 running again on PC and PS3

MGO2 will forever be an unsung hero of the stealth shooter world. Truly one of the greatest of all time, there has not been anything quite like it ever since, including MGSVs comparably awkward (at best) sequel.

There are now fan servers you can play on the PC and PS3 today, but of course the skill curve is high. The limited player-base alone makes it a shadow of itself, but that shadow still stands tall, and I recommend giving it a go for anyone who didn't get to play this in 2008-12.

Here's a tutorial with some download links to walk you through the process of getting MGO2 up and running on PC, Enjoy!

Here's a dedicated discord for MGO2 PC players (They also have links to get it running on PS3):

Greatest multiplayer game of all time, there's simply nothing like it.

Come join the fight at savemgo.com! (RPCS3 and PS3 cross-play)

Dark Souls is something unique. Despite playing it way later than most people, I still fell in love with this game. The Old Game Charm really benefits this game, it really feels like you are playing something experimental that is still executed really well. It is no surprise it gave birth to a new "genre". I can excuse most of the flaws in this game only because it is really that special.

"fuck it, finally a fantasy"
~fred durst (2021)

consistently fun but bogged down by way-too-frequent mmo-esque fetch quests, a dogshit main antagonist and jill's comical lack of characterization

when it hits though, it really fucking hits. clive is a terrific lead, (kupka is also a fantastic rival) every major set piece manages to one up the last and the combat, while a bit easy for an action game absolutely braindead, is really fucking fun

only ps4/5 game thus far to feel like a truly "next gen" experience and a crystal clear reminder of the heights this series can reach when it's not rife with developmental problems

edit: that last line is still mostly correct but not in the way i'd like. it's certainly next-gen in terms of scope and scale with regards to spectacle, but the actual writing is piss poor. this was very much a honeymoon game and ng+ made it clear. xvi feels like a first draft

It lacks the atmosphere that made the first game stand out, but it's still a solid retro shooter with fun movement and good level design. The additional features added for the 2023 remaster are fantastic, as usual for Night Dive. If nothing else, play the Call of the Machine expansion - it's better than the original campaign by a country mile.

Tons of fun with a friend but the game is showing its age in a few places mainly the control scheme. Hopefully Capcom release a remake very soon.

Pretty great hack n' slash that's honestly aged really well. Pretty impressive for a game that's nearly 20 years old!

Goated game, heavily underrated until recently, which I am very thankful for it getting the recognition it deserves.

First off, it’s the best playing action game on the PS1, besides maybe Omega Boost. While it still has that classic Capcom tank controls, the faster-paced nature of the game encourages you to play aggressively for pretty much the entire runtime.

This is one of those games where it’s a short experience, but one hell of a playthrough. If you enjoy either violent power fantasies or Jurassic Park, this game is for you. Think Doom, but with dinosaurs and time travel.

Speaking of Doom, there’s a Fuck ton of cool weapons, such as:
- Handgun
- Shotgun
- Taser Sword
- Machete
- Shiny Machete
- Blue Taser Sword
- Energy Cannon that shoots a deadly ball of lightning
- Flamethrower
- Portable wall of fire
- Akimbo sub machine guns
- Stoner LMG that 1-taps half of the enemies in the game
- Anti-tank rifle that literally sends velociraptors flying through the air
- Rocket launcher
- Rocket launcher that shoots three homing missiles
- A chain mine gun that blows up the ground in front of you
- Harpoon gun
- Underwater grenade launcher

Not to mention, there’s a points system that incentivizes aggressive farming of fresh Dino giblets. Keep the combos going, don’t take any damage, and then buy the entire farm’s worth of gear and weapons.

In Dino Crisis 2, you are the dino crisis.