Short review: Peak fiction now easily accessible to literally everyone. Play this if you like very good video games.

Long review: I’ve been a fan of Ghost Trick since its original Nintendo DS release in 2011. For years I have sung its praises consistently, begging and forcing everyone I know to play it (I would even lend my copy to real life friends so they wouldn't have an excuse not to) time and time again. I always held out hope that the game would one day return and get a second chance. I even signed a petition by the original composer a few years back, asking Capcom to please consider a re-release. Since then I thought it would be a pipe dream and that it would never happen.

I'm glad I was wrong.

Not only did Capcom bring back Ghost Trick, but they managed to go above and beyond and give it the highest quality remaster they could have possibly done. The game now runs at a smooth 60fps and both the character models and background got a major facelift. The game was always impressive on the DS, but now it gets to truly show its original vision uncompromised of any technical limitations. They even made brand new arrangements for the entire soundtrack while also maintaining the original music, giving the option for old fans to stick with what they know and new fans a more modern take on the already incredible music.

The story remains as perfect as I remembered it. Shu Takumi showed that he is a very capable writer with the original Ace Attorney trilogy, but with Ghost Trick he proved that he is an absolute genius mystery story teller. I refuse to go any further in regards to the story, as it is the game’s biggest strength, just know that I consider this to be the greatest piece of story telling in the medium known as Video Games. I love Ace Attorney, I love Zero Escape, I love so many games with incredible plots and endearing characters. Ghost Trick beats them all in my eyes. Anyone who loves this game will tell you that they hold its story in very high regard and with good reason. The less you know about it, the better.

Seeing as the game was once ported over to mobile, I had no worry in regards to how they would translate the original’s heavy use of the DS’s touch screen to just a single screen. While a stylus will always make this game a bit smoother to play, using a controller works just fine and the it takes no time to get used to the way it plays.

Like I said at the start of this review, Ghost Trick means the world to me. I had very high hopes for this Remaster and I am eternally grateful to Shu Takumi and the rest of the Ghost Trick team for giving this incredible game another lease on life. If you read this review and haven’t played this game, please do so on your platform of choice. This is THE definitive way to experience what Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective has to offer. Don’t miss out on an experience that will change your life.

I love you, Ghost Trick. 5 out of 5 Stars.

Anyone who doesn't understand the pure kinography of the ending doesn't deserve this game.

I played this at an arcade once and MJ's "WOO!" scream was the loudest sound in the room.

This is the best playable anime ever.

My favorite game that I can't recommend to normal people.

The combat was a little rough but everything else was really good. Honestly felt like I was watching a big budget animated movie throughout the whole journey. Incredible first try at a game from the studio. Looking forward to what they do next.

Played with the Rhythm Heaven Silver fan translation patch.

Rhythm Heaven has been a favorite series of mine ever since I played the DS game back when it first came out, so I was excited to finally see where it all began. It's a solid start but man this game very strict with how many times you can mess up during a song. The series isn't particularly 'easy' (anyone who has gone for a full perfect run can tell you this) but this one is just brutal. I don't think any of the songs are impossible but you will most likely end up retrying a few times on some of the later ones.

The presentation is very simple and yet its charm still holds up a decade and a half later. Ko Takeuchi's art style has come a long way, but I feel like the game captures it pretty well despite the GBA's limitations.

The game's strongest strength, however, is the music. I'm happy that Tsunku has been able to consistently put out bangers for every single entry in the series since the very beginning. The Bon Odori was definitely my favorite out of this game and I hope they bring it back in the future.

It's unfortunate that Nintendo never localized this one, but hopefully its limited language barrier will convince them to at least put it out on the GBA Switch Online app someday. Nevertheless, I'm happy I was finally able to cover the one blind spot I had as a series fan. Definitely recommend checking this and the rest of the series out!

Overhyped piece of trash. The graphics are fine but everything else sucks ass. The boss theme legitimately gave me and my two friends PTSD. Fuck this game.


Yes, this game is ugly. Yes, its repetitive. Yes, it doesn't play super well. But none of that matters. This is flawed yet beautiful game with incredible characters, a jaw dropping soundtrack, and a heart wrenching story. I miss Dad Nier.

This is an okay game but easily the worst game in each of its respective series. They should have let Shu Takumi have more creative control. At least we got The Great Ace Attorney as a result of this.

This is Shu Takumi's masterpiece. If you like Ace Attorney or just incredibly well done integration of Story and Gameplay, you need to play this.

This is such a graphical step up from KOFXIV and I think SNK deserves props for that. This is my first SamSho but I still enjoy it even if its a bit more neutral focused than what I typically enjoy. Shame about the abhorrent netcode.

Played this on a whim on Nintendo Switch Online and became obsessed. I need Panel de Pon 99 or something cause this game rules.

Video Games have come a long way since Pac-Man.

Kyle Hyde is the greatest character of all time.