I really disliked this game to the point where it made me write off the whole series. Unfortunate.

Playing Secret of Mana recently only reminded me just how perfect of a game Chrono Trigger is. Probably my favorite JRPG ever right next to Dragon Quest XI. Everyone deserves to experience it at least once in their life.

Overhyped piece of trash. The graphics are fine but everything else sucks ass. The boss theme legitimately gave me and my two friends PTSD. Fuck this game.

I love Guilty Gear but this is my favorite one due to its speed and just how fun my main man Faust is.

SotC is a genuine masterpiece of a video game. The story is a great example of letting the gameplay control your player's emotions without much dialogue. The bosses are living puzzles that really tesr your patience and resolve. The world is incredible somber and lonesome. But the biggest stand out is the incredible soundtrack. This was the first OST I bought physically and it will forever be my favorite game soundtrack of all time. Some may complain about the controls, but I personally never had any issues with it. The 2018 Remake is also great and definitely worth playing due to its QoL fixes, but Fumito Ueda's original vision will always be one of my favorite games of all time.

In short: this is kino at its finest.

This is the best Mario Party game in a long time. I've felt that the series quality dipped real hard after MP4, so I wasn't really anticipating anything good to come out of it especially after Super Mario Party. Glad I was wrong though. Who knew that going back to the basics instead of trying to reinvent the wheel for the 90th time was the cure this series needed.

The most underrated game in the series. I loved this one a ton as a kid and it still bangs.

This game was made by one person and it rules.

A decade has passed since UMVC3 came out and it still beats not only fighting games from its era, but fighting games from today. It's Mahvel Baybee!!!!

This is Shu Takumi's masterpiece. If you like Ace Attorney or just incredibly well done integration of Story and Gameplay, you need to play this.

Kyle Hyde is the greatest character of all time.