This is the best 2D Mario game ever.

Been playing this on and off since the original release and it still rules. A fighting game for crazy people.

This game is ugly as hell but man is it fun. Some of the best tag mechanics in any team fighter. Didn't deserve the fate it got but at least there's still a portion of us who enjoyed it.

Kanji is my GOAT always and forever. Can't wait for rollback.

The dumbest fighting game in modern times. But it lets me play Kanji and Akatsuki in the same team so it gets a pass from me just because of that.

I've played other KOF games in the past but this is the first one that I decided to actually learn and its absolutely fantastic. Terry is my dad.

I have over 900 hours in this game so I have many complicated feelings over it, but at the end of the day I genuinely do love it. I wish it had rollback but the game itself is crazy fun. Need One Piece to get this type of treatment expeditiously.

My favorite anime fighter. Akatsuki is my best friend.

Its crazy to think that P5 previously existed without the third semester. All the QoL fixes and additions plus characters like Maruki really elevated this game significantly from its original release. Probably the best updated rerelease Atlus has ever put out.

I hated this at first but once I stopped comparing it to Kodaka and Uchikoshi's previous works, I ended up thinking it was just okay. Don't expect it to be anything crazy.

Fun game to play with friends but man the Newgrounds humor didn't age well at all. Definitely a product of its time.

My favorite Grasshopper Manufacturer/Suda51 game. I always heard great things but I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did.

Uchikoshi's best game. Sigma is my MC.

Pleasantly surprised that this wasn't garbage. I genuinely want a sequel so they can improve on the solid start they got going on here.