Bugged dodging mechanics, as well as unfair difficulty spikes and bad performance and bad graphics and it fucking sucks dood.
Also, Lew Bew was bullshit oh my god!

My detractors made up a toxic meme from me (ree) saying the n-word while I played this game. Also, support was super slow you guys...

I love Hulk Hogan's dick!
I want it so bad and I can't get it.

These are the axis's I rotate on. Sound good?

My tax guy worked miracles, man. Showed me how I can claim my consoles and WWE Champions transactions as "business expences." Ack ack ack ack ack ack ack!

I was playing online multiplayer and some kid said, "Damn, Darksfadil is trash" when he saw my k/d. what a stupid idiot moron shithead, fuck this game, for real.

So guys, it WOULD be a perfect game, alright, if there wasn't so many MASH JAB scrub Kens playing it online! That shit would never work off line on the NEO GEO conversion of SF2 turbo, like seriously

My good friend, Richard, played this game, and one day he told me, "I just can't do it I can't TAKE this shit no more mane." Clearly it's not very good, alright?

VR makes it so I can eat virtual KFC without having to pay my chicken bill!

this game is disgusting and crude. I'm a mature adult with a business degree, and I'm not a children's entertainer, dood.

I have played this game every day since it came out, dood. I used to be ADDICTED to WWE Supercard, but after pulling some Hogans, I gotta be honest guys, this is the game for me! REE!

I love it! I LOVE IT!

This is how you don't make a game.

zelda is supposed to be a chill, meaningful RPG dood. The puzzles are just too hard to do without a guide WTF!