I will say personally, I really liked it, but I felt like it didn’t get incredibly interesting until the final world. Still think I like Triple Deluxe a little more (for nostalgic reasons) but still an incredible game!

This is one of the best games I have ever played. Easy top 3 favorite indie games ever. I strongly urge everyone to play this game if you haven't. Also great to play after/before Sea of Stars.

I think it is super wild that there are so many RPGs out there that take inspiration from this game, while very few accomplish the same achievements this game does. It is fantastic.

This was my 4th time trying to play this game. First, I tried to play it on my hacked SNES Classic. Got up to Robo and stopped playing. Then I tried the PC port in 2021. Port sucked. I tried again in 2022. Port still sucked. Finally, I tried the PC port again, and now works.

So to start, story. I do think the game has a fantastic opening. But then, it kinda drags a little for a bit. But then you hit the mid point of the game, and the entire concept of this game finally clicks. I ended up falling in love with every member of the cast.

This game has a ton of side content, that initially, I had no intentions of doing. However, many friends HEAVILY suggested I do them, and yup I agree, they are all very important and worth doing. All of the character specific quests are great.

Gameplay, this game is also great, though I do have a few nitpicks. Combat is super fun, no complaints there. However, navigation is a little weird. There were a lot of times where I really had no idea where to go, and with no quest menu, I had no way to double check.

I think this game could really benefit from some kind of HD-2D remaster to add a quest menu, and maybe even markers for main quests and side quests. I think it would do wonders to improve the game for a newer audience.

Along side that, why is Chrono Cross on all platforms, but the only modern way to play Chrono Trigger is the Steam version? This game should be on all modern platforms, and I can't find a good reason for why it's not, besides maybe a remake is in development.

Side note - during my playthrough, I was heavily considering dropping it while the story was at a low point. I am super happy I pushed through, because this game was really worth it. I am super excited to revisit it for NG+ at some point.

It was super cool to learn about this kinda obscure Nintendo series through this collection. I wasn’t sure if I would like it at first, but I ended up really liking it! It’s nothing groundbreaking, but it’s still a pretty fun time.

I do wish it wasn’t $60 though. I know a lot of my friends would probably like this game, but there’s no way I can suggest dropping $60 on this game.

Wow. I am surprised by how much I loved this game. I was so sure I was not going to like it, especially with my bias against CDPR, but nah. This game is incredible and everyone should play it.

I feel like I have been gaslit my entire life. People would make you believe this is the worst game of all time. I was baffled playing it realizing it's not even the worst Sonic game i've played.

Do not get me wrong, this game has a LOT of issues for sure. But I found myself having more fun than not for the majority of the runtime. Silver was the worst the game ever got, but even then, it wasn't THAT bad outside of a handful of levels.

The level design in this game is fantastic, and I was kinda shocked how consistently each level banged. You can point to countless things as faults for this game, but level design is not one of em.

It is unfortunate how much potential this game had. If this game got one more year of dev time, this game could have been the Sonic Adventure 3 people have been dying for. I see the vision for this game and what it could have been.

It makes me super happy that Project 06 exists because it makes 06 so much better. While I haven't played all of it, I did check out the levels that I remembered being the absolute worst in the original, and MAN they are a huge step up there.

ALSO THE MUSIC IN THIS GAME BANGS. It is way better than I thought it would have been. I have knows of a handful of tracks in this game for a while, but nah most level's music is fantastic.

In summary, I might be an 06 defender. I absolutely see the faults of this game, but this game so strongly deserved a second chance. And it is not NEARLY as bad as people online would make you believe it is. It's a 6/10 that people online treat like a 1/10.

This might be one of the worst games I have ever played, which is such a bummer. I don't consider myself a fnaf fan, but this one peaked my interest. I wish it didn't because this was one of the most frustrating experiences I have ever had playing a game. Decided to drop it and a few months later, I see a clip of the ending that fully verified to me that there is absolutely no reason to see this one through to the end. Awful. Stay away.

Sonic Unleashed is a childhood game of mine that I will forever love no matter what. I stand by this game having the best 3D levels in any Sonic game by far. The music is absolutely wonderful. I love the vibes of the 2000's Sonic story. And yeah idc, Wearhog Sonic is fucking cool.

With that said, this replay might have convinced me that this is no longer my favorite 3D Sonic game. The medal collecting was a bit of an unnecessary grind that I hate every time I play this game. Werehog, while I don't think it is nearly as bad as people thing, is a little tedious with how long some of the levels end up being. And GOD is Eggman Land such an unfun final level. With all that said, this game has some of the highest highs of the entire series. While I do think Generations is the better 3D Sonic overall, this game reaches higher highs than Generations, and will forever hold a special place in my heart. I love this game despite its flaws.

I am so happy that I finally have gotten to play through Metroid Prime on Nintendo Switch! My many years of waiting to check out this subseries of Metroid have finally paid off with one of Nintendo's best remasters ever! What an absolutely wonderful metroidvania. I totally see why people have hyped up this series for so many years. Now port 2 and 3!

I 100%’ed the game on PS4 in 2020 and got 100% on Steam last year, but I never finished getting all of the trophies in the DLC on PS5. Didn’t take me too long but I’m happy to have this version at 100% now :D

This is one of the best games I have played all year. God, it has no right to be as good as it is, but damn, it's insanely good. I could not suggest this game more.

Surprisingly high quality for free DLC. Adds an extra 1/4th to the game, and is really fun! Also it adds some fun additions to the base game so it's absolutely worth checking out

Really great time! I do feel like the levels were really short, but in turn there is a LOT of side content in collectables and missions in the open world. I am gonna continue slowly work towards 100% over time

Finally wrapped this game up! While I do have a good handful of gripes with it, it is still overall a pretty fantastic game, and is currently the best showcase of the PS5's power.

Really nice art style game with a fun concept. It's pretty short, but I think it works in this game's favor. Any longer would have over stayed it's welcome I think.