Technical issues be damned, I loved this game a lot. I have never been a fan of the series so I was shocked how much I loved every hour I put into this game. Easily my new favorite Pokemon game.

Really great time! I do feel like the levels were really short, but in turn there is a LOT of side content in collectables and missions in the open world. I am gonna continue slowly work towards 100% over time

An absolute classic that everyone should play. It was super fun replaying OoT on an original N64 since I’ve never played it this way before. Had a blast revisiting it :)

I know I have the unpopular opinion, but MAN I loved this game. I absolutely loved the cast and the changed to gameplay. I had a blast from start to finish. Might be my new favorite in the series!

This game unfortunately fully relies on you caring about the characters. I did not find a single character in this game interesting at all so this game had very little for me. Art is super pretty at least

2023 has been such a great year for DLC. This expansion is honestly better than the base game, and I loved the base game. It feels like the devs mastered Cyberpunk gameplay design here

Surprisingly high quality for free DLC. Adds an extra 1/4th to the game, and is really fun! Also it adds some fun additions to the base game so it's absolutely worth checking out

This is one of the best games I have played all year. God, it has no right to be as good as it is, but damn, it's insanely good. I could not suggest this game more.

Extra log for my NG+ Playthrough to get the social links achievement. Thoughts on the game remain unchanged from my prior log, tho I am surprised this only took me 20 hours

While I did have a fun time with this, I can’t help but feel like Splatoon 2’s Octo Expansion was WAY better… and that feeling kinda is my general feeling on Splatoon 3 as content wraps up for this game.

Splatoon 3 was a pretty big disappointment to me unfortunately, and I find myself constantly missing Splatoon 2, as I feel like that game was just a lot better. It’s a bummer.

Though, this DLC is still great. It’s a rougelike that’s meant to replayed a bunch of times. Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s enough variation to make this something I plan to return to very often, but I’ll keep playing for now.

And even though I might be a bit down on it right now, I still really did like this. Just, it feels weird that this DLC took a year and a half to make, while Octo Expansion took less than a year. And Octo expansion felt like it had a much bigger scope.

This game feels like it has a super big identity crisis, and is never confident in its direction. This game has a bunch of different play styles, but all of them feel like they never reach their full potential by the time the game ends.

This game has a few moments where it begins to shine, and the charm of the different outfits are cool, but it struggled to outweigh the slightly jarring direction this game took. Some play styles are just not fun at all (looking at you mystery levels).

I feel like GoodFeel has been in an unfortunate downward spiral of games as of late. They made the great Kirby Epic Yarn and the amazing Yoshi’s Woolly World. They then made the meh Crafted World and now the meh Peach Showtime. It’s a bummer for sure.

I know I am pretty negative on this game in this thread. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t hate this game. I would still say the good outweighs the bad. However, I think this game could have been significantly better.

This is still one of my favorite games of all time, and is so great on a replay after knowing what’s coming. I really loved revisiting this game 2 years after launch.

Funny enough, this replay began back at the end of 2022, but I kept stopping early on. I played through all of Chapter 1 in 2022, a tiny bit of chapter 2 when the Pyra and Mythra amiibos dropped, then finished chapter 2 when the Noah and Mio amiibos dropped. Date noted as the start date is when I decided to fully focus on replaying the game from start to finish.

I will say though, NG+ has a few issues that does make the game a bit less fun. While it’s great having all of your heroes transfer immediately, I feel significantly less inclined to experiment when I already have a very consistent set up for chain attacks already.

Though on the other hand, Origin is a little bit of a slong, being 3ish hours long. In NG+, it was nice maxing out my characters and being able to just ignore all enemy encounters to make it go faster

Also, already mentioned above but the story still hits super hard for me. One scene in particular is one of my favorite scenes in any video game ever, and it got me to tear up watching it in game with full context again.

While typing this, I’m still watching the final cutscene and god what a perfect ending to this game. This game is a 10/10 and everyone should play it. GOD I WANT XENOBLADE 4 NOW

This is a childhood game of mine, and i think it’s really funny I never finished it because it’s like 3 hours long.

I don’t think I could ever bring myself to not love this game due to childhood nostalgia, but man replaying it has reminded me of how not great this game is at times. This game is very “waggle the Wii remote”-ey. Movement also kinda sucks. With that said..


Dude the ending of this game is one of the most devastating endings for a game I have ever seen. I really really love this game

This game is super unique! I like a lot of what this game is going for. I do wish some segments were shortened or cut from the game entirely, but overall still really enjoyed this game!