It was incredibly fun to the point I actively wanted to 100% it.
But some of the puzzles I would've never solved such as the tetris language. I couldnt wrap that one around my brain.

Amazing story, battles, music. Everything about this game is amazing with the only downside being the repetitive looking dungeons.

Carried by the story and its interesting battle style. I love it!

Just more of Galaxy 1 with improvements.

Plays amazing and its absolutely great, but with it being rockstar the online sucks and optimization is also horrible. With dithering being used the game looks blurry constantly.

Reinvents mario with new ideas, done in the nintendo way.

I wish i could forget this game so I could replay it.

God tier yakuza game.
Combat is at its best while also including amazing story, perfectly continues into the story of 1, 2 and so on.

First zelda game, a great way to go in to the series.
While it changes what the series did its really fun and done in an amazing way

Great to fuck around and have fun, especially trolling.