I remember loving the mutiplayer... this game was a hidden gem

The graphics were ahead of its time, but the gameplay definitely was not… the game was lacking any real variety and it was very repetitive. The game ended up not being that fun at all and I was glad it was over when I beat it.

One of the best zombies games to be created... so much content and a lot of replay value. Way ahead of its time!

Very short game, but it was fun playing with a friend just to pass the time. I like how they made it so you didn't have to connect to a friend online to play with each other.

love all the new additions and moves they added to the game. I would say its worth playing.

A game that’s not supposed to be taken seriously, but also meant to be twisted and weird. Just enjoy the weirdness of the worlds!

If you like weird quirky stories that will make you think then you will enjoy this. I wish the game was a little more clear on what was going on, but Once you start digging deeper into the rabbit hole of YouTube it really makes for a good time

Great game, great characters, interesting story to keep you immersed, and a lot of content to play for hours. I’d recommend this to anybody who loves games like Uncharted and Last Of Us because it has a movie feel to it. The original god of wars will still always be my favorite, but this game is great.

The one problem I had with this game is I felt that the gameplay gets really repetitive and having to travel on the boat to get to all the island was a little tedious.

I really enjoyed the graphics and level design in this game. The game still plays the same as the original dooms and no weapons were really added, but I enjoyed the game better then the second doom.

Great game, fun, difficult, and just an overall classic. I wish more weapons would have been added other then the super shotgun to maybe compensate for the harder enemy’s and huge maps. I still feel as though the first doom had better level design as I felt I was kinda taken back by how big some of the new maps are, but I’d say it was a great game for its time and still is if you want a challenge.

hands down one of the greatest FPS of all time and still holds up till today. A must play for any FPS fan and gamer in general.

Its a fun railshooter with a great concept, but nothing spectacular. A little repetitive in my opinion.

shotgun was the best feature and holds up well to the second game. 2nd best in the series in my opinion and its very close to being the best.

Great start to a great series. still its far from the best in the series.

I mean you really cant get a better zombie rail shooter then this. By far the best in the series and the cheesy voice acting is great