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People hate what they don't understand. The first time I played the story the whole way through I hated what they did with Joel, thought Ellie was so selfish and aggressive that she genuinely becomes more unlikable than Abby. I found Abby to be a layered and dimensional character with an Oscar caliber performance by Laura Bailey. I finished this four times on PS4 and will finish for the fifth time on PS5. No other game matches it maturity, nuance and devastating emotional impact. A masterpiece.

I used to watch the game spot reviews for Greg Kasavin and his work here is incredible. I played the steam version first in 2018 but now in January 2024 I played the switch version and it's awesome. Could never get used to using W A S D. The switch controls may this a comfortable experience on normal. The visual art style, varied weapons and excellent story make this an easy recommendation.

The content is the game is quite shallow. The missions that are there get repetitive quickly. However what saves this game is the fantastic park our system, unique third crusade setting, atmospheric environments and the Sci Fi twist with the whole Desmond thing. Which I like. Way better than the cash grabbing codswallop that would follow in the series.

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I don't care what anyone says. This game is absolutely fantastic. Way better than 64 imo. Love the story and the introduction of bowser jr as shadow Mario. Saving Bowser for the final boss was a great choice. FLUDD is a brilliantly dynamic influence on the movement system. Odyssey would not be possible to without this.

This version is terrible. I replayed this on switch a few years after I played this on ps3. I am a self confessed PlayStation fan boy but glitches, poor frame rate and overly long load times make me warn people to stay way from the PS3 version. Get any other version.

An underrated masterpiece. The Lego games are criminally underrated. X men, Fantastic Four and Avengers in the one game. Very good Lego game and an even better Marvel game.

I used to think this game was okay. But after replaying I think it's absolutely brilliant.

Visually stunning and featuring a beautiful story and excellent Combat. Ghost is an easy recommendation.

Banjo kazooie fills me with joy and happiness. Absolutely fantastic

I find this to be disappointing. Fun but far too repetitive and overreliant on filler moons to pad the play time.

Time has not been kind to this game. The camera and control systems have aged horrifically.

Swinging through New York City is fun. Yuri Lowenthal is a brilliant Spiderman. Combat lacks depth. Story is predictable.