24 reviews liked by Darkson

Worst of all time. Trench of the medium. Denunciation of media. Dirt standard of storytelling. Bottom of creativity. Bedrock of invention. Foot of ingenuity. Underbelly of imagination. Nadir of innovation. Worst of the worst. Failure among failures. Abyss fiction.

Not backloggd approved 👎👎👎👎👎 play real games like Metal Gear Solid 2, Persona 3, or Nier Automata.

My favorite memory related to this game is when I was playing it for the first time, my brother would occasionally stop by to watch when he had nothing better to do. There was this one time when I was playing one of the Laguna sections, a battle started and The Man With the Machine Gun played, after a few seconds my brother said "Wow, this battle theme is so much better than that lame-ass one that played all the time before." referring to Don't Be Afraid in the Squall part.

While I don't agree that Don't Be Afraid sucks, I absolutely cannot argue against Man With the Machine Gun being vastly superior, that's like a 6/10 track compared to a 9/10 track.

Spent over 600 hours in Torneko's chapter selling swords. Why the fuck hasn't the game progressed yet? Dropped.

this game made me realize how much i love the color purple

nintendo treats this franchise like gendo treats shinji wtf

To be fair, the original game was nearly flawless and the only things you could really do to improve on it would be giving me the dash as a default move from the very beginning and have something new that the leg armor parts could do in its place, and making the head part more useful, because aside from collecting another part, it's pretty much worthless. Does Maverick Hunter X do that? Nah, it's pretty much the original game with a little more story, which is appreciated, anime cutscenes, and a new coat of paint that looks pretty good for a PSP game. I don't get why they changed the armor capsule locations, though, it didn't really add anything substantial to the experience, but it was a harmless change, so whatever.

But that's just one part of this version, there is some really cool extra content like a prequel OVA that is unlocked after you beat it for the first time, and a new mode where you play as Vile in an obviously non-canon retelling of the story from his perspective. What sets him apart from X is the fact that Vile (unfortunately) can't dash, but he has many different upgrades you can play with and picking up which ones will be the most useful is the key to conquering the stages, which are harder then the ones from X's campaign.

There is one fatal flaw that makes Maverick Hunter X worse than the original, though, it's the fact that they fucked up the dash jump. I thought it was a problem with the emulator, but then I looked this up online and people who played it on an actual PSP also had the same issue, sometimes the dash jump just won't work and you'll do a regular jump instead. On the ground, it's easy to circumvent this by just pressing and holding the dash button for a split second before pressing the jump button. Dash-jumping from walls, though? Yeah, now you're at the mercy of X only dash-jumping when he feels like it, which ends up making some of the bosses harder than they should have been.

At the end of the day, a worse Megaman X is still Megaman X, and this is worth checking out for the extra content. It's just a shame that it doesn't do much to improve on the original game, and it's an even bigger shame that it wasn't successful enough to kickstart an entirely new series covering the first game all the way to X6. Imagine a timeline where X6's cool ideas and premise are actually put to good use instead of the shitbag of a game we ended up getting, we really do live in the worst timeline.

I deeply regret to inform you all that I received some bad news.

The Admins of the Creepypasta wiki have finalkly decided to delete Sonic.exe offa the wiki, on the grounds that it was "badly written" and "had too many cliches" and "was a bad example of what should be a creepypasta".




As you can see I am FURIOUS with the fact that my masterpiece, which has won the hearts of millions and has made a massive impact on the internet, is being brought down by a bunch of jealous, arrogant, retarded FURRY-HATERS.


That does not mean I am just going to sit down and take this lightly.


They have been messing with the bull, and now they've called out the horns!

Listen everyone, I need your help with this. We are at WAR here. I want every Sonic.exe fan who is reading this to get the word out! I want you to tell every other Sonic.exe fan out there, every fanatic, every artist, every follower of my creation about this. Tell your friends who are also Sonic.exe fans if they have to! Tell them we have to keep the spirit of Sonic.exe alive!

Make more fanart, make more videos, block the haters, praise Sonic.exe like you never have before, build websites dedicated to his greatness, whatever you gotta do to keep him alive and strong, JUST DO IT.

The deletion of Sonic.exe from the wiki is but a minor cut on our flower of greatness, my friends! And that cut has done nothing but further the spreading, and we are the pollen of this flower! We need to prepare for our victory over the Haters! The Haters need to BLEED for their crimes!!

Rejoice, my fellow Sonic.exe Fans! Our glorious little Hellspawn shall have the laugh yet!

THIS will be his ultimate victory!

The absolute subjugation...