I am so conflicted what I should rate this one...

Some of the best story setup and worldbuilding idea I have ever seen, the perfect way to combine part 1 and 2, but they kinda messed it up. They spoil their own twists and have nothing to really blow you away in the end. The game just ends with so many questions unanswered, the weakest ending of the Xenoblade game.

But where the story was a little bummer for me, the gameplay saves this one. I loved to battle and to run around in the open world, even when there was nothing to find. The colonies where really lame after the fifth time, but I still really liked playing it the entire time.

I wished the main characters where more varied, they all share the same type of backstory. In the other games there were a lot of different people in your team, from different parts of the world, different cultures and especially part 3 has the perfect opportunity to introduce two other factions in your main party.

I am aware of the hero system, but they are not really part of the story and just help you in battles. Some of the hero quests were ok, but they were mostly really boring, like most JRPG quests, so nothing new here.

I just feel like there was so much more potential. And they kind of wasted it for nothing. I really love the idea behind this game's story, but my imagination has to do all of the lifting. I am just glad, there exists a way better DLC.

So basically I wanted more from the story, all my problems revolve around that. If I ignore this aspect, it's definitely a wonderful experience.

It is difficult to rate Xenoblade 2, it was my first JRPG and I liked it quite a bit, but after playing the first game I see it's problems.

The story is nowhere near as competent as in the first one. It is filled with more cliches and over the top performances. In it's core there is an interesting story to be told, but the game cannot really bring it to the surface. Same goes for the characters.

If you like the battle system is simply a matter of preference, I thought is was fun, but some battles were just to long.
What they thought, when they designed the skill trees and those overworld powers is beyond me, that's a horrible feature.

But despite all that, I still kinda like it. The music still slaps and the core gameplay is still really fun. I just know, the game could have been better and that's a little bit frustrating. The first game is obviously better, but that doesn't say much.

This is straight up one of my favorite stories ever. The emotions I still get from this are so deeply rooted in me it's insane. Characters are lovable, soundtrack is iconic, the world design so insanely unique. Everyone who has the slightest interest in a well told story needs to play this.

I feel like I am the only one who was really disappointed by this game. As a huge Star Wars and Lego Star Wars fan I thought this game could be the masterpiece I have been waiting for. But for some reason this is one of the most boring Lego games ever.

It felt like the developers got their inspiration from the worst open world games. The majority of quests are downright horrible and the open worlds itself are passible at best.

The main story missions were a mixed back, some missions worked for me, others were just long boring hallways or the same bossfight with a different skin. Some major events are just missing in the game completely.

I could not bring myself to 100% it, something I always do in Lego games. The gameplay was just so unbelievably boring. I'm probably done with this series now, so thanks.

This is absolutely the best Lego game. I don't know what they did, but the writing was never better. The humour is so stupid that it was impossible to not fall in love with this game. As a big open world fan I really liked driving around the world and just doing nothing. I think it is kinda sad, that Lego games peaked here and this will probably stay that way.

Idk man. I really tried to like this one, but the gameplay just isn't for me. This combination of platformer and RPG makes both aspects so shallow and uninteresting. There are some nice ideas here and there, but overall it was just boring to play. Most people praise this game for the story and its characters and while I agree, that there are really fascinating approaches, this is not really what motivates me. I really want to like this game, but I literally stopped playing in the last area for no reason. Happy for everyone who loves this one tho.

I really don't understand all the hate this game gets. Playing this was a blast and liked pretty much every level. Sure the story is not as complex and character based as before, but I like this new style way more. The focus is on all the different funny concepts and areas. There are so many memorable situations and settings. Truly a step up from Sticker Star, but it gets even better in Origami King.

Literally one of the most fun and creative games I have ever played. The different ways in which the battle system is influenced by enemies is always genious. The paper aesthetic looks stunning and every soundtrack is fantastic. This is absolutely the best game in the series. Just such a wonderful and hilarious adventure.

My first and only Pikmin game, with Pikmin 4 this will chance tho.
Collecting and managing Pikmin and fruits feels satisfying and addicting. The world looks stunning, especially for the Wii U.
I will play the other games as well, I promise.

Really charming metroidvania, which takes inspiration from the right sources to create an emotional trip through a wonderfully designed world.

It may be controversial, but this is the best of the trilogy and has the best bosses of any From Software game.
The fights have just the right speed and the bosses are just perfectly balanced.
What it lacks in level design is compensated in just the best Dark Souls experience.

Bloodborne is my favorite From Software game, not because of the bosses, the level design or the fighting, but just because how it makes me feel.
The aggressive and brutal slaughtering of monsters and uncovering the disturbing secrets of the world create a unique gaming experience.
I still have to find a game that can rival this feeling.

The most consistent From Software game.
Probably the best battle system I have ever seen, hearing that sweet parry sound was always a highlight.
With a few exceptions every boss was fun to fight and only the enemy repetition holds Sekiro back.
Please give me Sekiro 2.

Just such a good Mario game, travelling around the world, collecting moons and some of the best controls.
Some of the kingdoms are a bit weak, but overall it's just such a good time.

I am biased and I know it. This game has pacing issues and is probably way to long, but I don't care.
It's just one of my "feel good" games, I am always happy when I am thinking about it.
Its just so charming.