Rated as Definitive edition, still not good (all the issues with the levels, bosses, and story are still here) but the gameplay is a lot more fun in a way and less tedious then the original version

Actually pretty mixed on this game, I had fun at plenty of points (especially the dante segments, that style switcher is amazing) but then fighting the some of the SAME bosses for the third or so time along with a final boss where it’s literally not explained at all what the hell to do (in fact all the bosses are a downgrade, there’s almost no strategy to have)

If this “special edition” is the better version than u h

Still better than Welcome To Raccoon City

A game this shit doesn't deserve such a cool poster

I loved the part where Leon says “what the-“

I got the “freeze on black screen” ending

Edit on 5/11/23: I got around it, I got the happy ending at least

I started this and superman returns the same week and while this took much more time, this is genuinely the most addicted I’ve been to a game in a very long time

Can’t wait to see if the others are at least stupid fun

I love this! This is what I live for! I'm absolutely crazy about it!!

Aged more beautifully than you'd imagine

A flawed but fun game... regardless of how you put it: it's still a huge downgrade from 4

I see people say 4 is when they became full action and while yeah they changed a few stuff, I'd argue that it has a great balance of horror AND action meanwhile this has pieces of horror but a fuck ton of action that it felt like I was playing Black Ops more than Resident Evil (which is funny since that came out after this). There's literally segments where you have to take cover and shoot at zombies, I know 4 didn't have zombies but story wise it made since for the enemies to have weapons, meanwhile this is completely absurd

I'm mixed on the co-op stuff, on one hand it's kinda handy and has been helpful but on the other hand it gets really annoying to constantly baby the AI

The graphics are great for the time, the game-play can be pretty fun (even if the game is really short and uppercutting enemies can become hilarious), and the monsters you fight along the way are still badass

I hear 6 is more ridiculous than this and I'm honestly curious to see how, I hope it's just fun to play like this was

Ngl I’d rather play this game again than watch 90% of phase 4 ever again in my entire life

Happy early 20th anniversary btw

If jake's campaign from RE6 was it's own game

Back when Marvel media was actually great