A flawed but fun game... regardless of how you put it: it's still a huge downgrade from 4

I see people say 4 is when they became full action and while yeah they changed a few stuff, I'd argue that it has a great balance of horror AND action meanwhile this has pieces of horror but a fuck ton of action that it felt like I was playing Black Ops more than Resident Evil (which is funny since that came out after this). There's literally segments where you have to take cover and shoot at zombies, I know 4 didn't have zombies but story wise it made since for the enemies to have weapons, meanwhile this is completely absurd

I'm mixed on the co-op stuff, on one hand it's kinda handy and has been helpful but on the other hand it gets really annoying to constantly baby the AI

The graphics are great for the time, the game-play can be pretty fun (even if the game is really short and uppercutting enemies can become hilarious), and the monsters you fight along the way are still badass

I hear 6 is more ridiculous than this and I'm honestly curious to see how, I hope it's just fun to play like this was

A game this shit doesn't deserve such a cool poster

Still better than Welcome To Raccoon City

Neat aesthetic!!

Too bad waiting for the timer to run out is the best defense mechanism in this game

After about 3 months when I started this game, I finally completed it

Sorta... I started this back in early october but I was so fucking bad I decided to try out 4 instead (which changed the mechanics already) and got OBSESSED. Seeing as I played 4 more games after that, I figured it was finally time to jump back into this game and... yeah it's great

I still prefer 4 (high bar tbf) but this game is still iconic regardless, the inventory space is challenging but also not up to its full potential (like it is in 4) and sometimes the camera angles are really confusing, hell this is pretty much the best "Where the fuck do I go" game I've played so far which might be a complaint for some games but seeing as this is a horror survival game, it's for sure a compliment and will take time to learn even more if I ever do play it again.

Will be quite awhile till I play the second remake but I couldn't be more excited.

I sucked complete ass at it but I loved it either way!

Shortest yet scariest one so far

Had a lot of fun but I’m conflicted on rather its better than the OG or not, it has plenty of things done better but also did stupid shit that didn’t need to be changed or removed so overall on par with the flame kid ships

At least it had original ideas!

How can you have some of the most interesting ideas with the worst gameplay possible???

Took me 3-4 MONTHS to complete this god damn game, I got demotivated to keep going like 5 times

The most “Van Helsing (2004)” entry in the series so far

Wowzer what a game.

It took me longer to beat this than it was supposed to only because I dropped it for 2 months after starting it, I couldn't give a flying fuck about nero's journey on finding dante and V is superrrrrrrr OP it's crazy, I miss the days of 1 and 3 (not including 2 as that forced you to complete lucia's campaign to unlock the other modes which is more boring than the worst spots of this and 4) where dante was the actual main focus.

Besides that, it fixes all the issues i had with 4. The areas aren't boring, the boss fights aren't just mashing one button and you can even use the DMC2 SOUNDTRACK, that alone makes it god tier for me. While it might be boring at first with nero, the game has a banger middle and end to make up for all of that. For now, I prefer the first but I really do wanna play through this again because I wouldn't mind in all honesty

I did it brian! I played South Park Rally!

There’s a reason no one talks about this

At least it made me want to play 3D