I have not played Star Allies and Squeak Squad. Will I? No, probably not.

A pretty good game filled with busywork and inexplicable mobile game mechanics. Hopefully a sequel will expand on this in cool ways.
This is definitely one of the better games on the NES. Still a really fun game.
It's alright, one of the better Gameboy games at the time, and pretty good for being directed by a 19 year old.
Most of these episodes aren't super great. If they spent more time on the important stuff and less on minigames and the Great Cave Offensive, this would be a classic.
Great level themes and visuals, but man some of these copy abilities and their combos suck.
Man sure do I love pressing the button and clearing the screen 10 times in a row.... again. Some cool copy abilities though.
Man I sure do love pressing a button to make the screen clear like 10 times in a row.
Guys I promise that this game is just really good and I don't only like it for my mecha bias.
If you wanted a full game of The Great Cave Offensive, I guess this is for you.
The animal buddies suck, the level design sucks, the movement sucks, the art is good, but I'd rather play Yoshi's Island either way.
Some of the level design here sucks, but the animal buddies are neat.


4 months ago

Seing love for Robobot always puts a smile on my face, such an enjoyable and amazing 2D Platformer, and completely agree on Adventure with you, easily one of my favorite NES games, and as time passes I appreciate it more and more

4 months ago

@DeemonAndGames Yeah, Robobot is great. I hope they port it to a new console and add Multiplayer.
This list hurts me (dreamland 3 is one of my favs)

4 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 I know, you left a comment about it on my review from like 2 years ago lol.
Omg lmao

4 months ago

Putting DL2 above DL3 is crazy I thought everyone hated DL2 more
Actually I've seen a lot of people sadly like D1 and 2 a lot more which was interesting. It is funny the other big dreamland 3 fan joined the comments lol

4 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 I just saw your comment in my activity notifs LOL But huh interesting. I can see why, just surprised this is the first time I’ve ever seen this take. Anyways OP understandable list, I definitely agree with Super Star. Would’ve been great if they just focused on 3-4 modes instead of 8 or however many total it is.
Actually true, I think that's a big reason I like dreamland 3 more than super star...I wish it focused on one large campaign like the other games and then have smaller ones attached as side modes

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