Cuties Hacked is a new semi-free-to-play spin on the classic arcade formula of Xonix, that rewards your reflexes and skills.

The game offers you first few levels for free, others have to be paid to access them, but all of them are pretty funny and challenging in a special way. The main goal of the game is to reveal the photo a certain amount of percentage, after that the whole photo is revealed for itself.

All in all a fun and thrilling game, each level, except the first one or two are going to be easy, those levels serve as an introduction to the game mechanics, but later, the challenge begins.

Opus Castle is a pretty short semi-free-to-play horror game, based on the real tragic history of the little castle on Apa Street, located in the city of São Paulo, Brazil.

The game makes you replay it as you finish each substory, which differs from choice you make during the game. When I said semi-free-to-play what I meant for that is that the first episode is for free, every other episode they add after time needs to be paid, the price isn't high but the short experience you get in my opinion isn't worth it.

All in all, an easy, but still pretty scary horror game, what the game lacks is lenght, which makes you think twice before paying for more episodes.

Need for Speed Rivals is a both Criterion and Ghost game, released on PC, and on both 7th and 8th gen consoles. After the huge success of the newer released NFS Hot Pursuit, they decided to launch a game on the Frostbite 3 engine using the same concept on which the Hot Pursuit franchise was based, but this time set in an explorable open-world.

As this game was based upon Hot Pursuit, the game features the same racer versus cops campaign in which you take place in various events on different parts of the map.
The map itself is huge, it offers many different biomes, from snowy mountains to desert canyons and all within this one detailed map.
The game also offers many events with a great range of weapons at your disposal, but according to the vehicle and side you choose, the weapon system differs a bit.
The narrow range of cars is a bit dissapointing for a 2013 game, each obtained level you get access to one car, so all in all a bit more than 20 if you buy the DLCs. Cop's cars have 3 different classes: Patrol, Undercover and Enforcer. To be honest, the difference between them is minor, few stats and paintjob, so from my perspective, use Enforcer Class as the cars in this game are pretty easy to break and the Enforcer cars have the best durabilty.
The main problem within this game is the lack of multiplayer options and cops being overpowered. Without upgrading you car to the maximum possible durability, you're gonna have a hard time escaping from them, but at least you can go to the safehouse without having to escape them first.

All in all, this game has potential, but the lack of cars and multiplayer options, the overpowered cops and the useless use of cop's car classes makes this game just an ordinary experience.

So far this is the best tactical shooter ever. It never gets boring. Every single match is like a new game, almost nothing is repeatable. Every season they bring in new changes, operators and maps. With those changes it changes the whole gameplay as you have to think of every decision you make, and every single thing can affect the result of the match. Every operator has its own loadout and skills, which can affect the game. It really tests you skills and brain, as this is not spray-shooting game, like CoD or Battlefield.

Watch Dogs 2 is an epic game. The story is amazing and thrilling, you never know what is your next task, as this game has great tasks diversity. This game's story is so good, that you don't want to finish it first, but you want to take the time to enjoy it. The graphics are amazing as Ubisoft always makes the best they can to make the game more realistic and enjoyable. The best thing I loved about graphics was the leaves falling from trees, and how amazing the city of San Francisco is. I like how this game is more based on hacking than shooting, which points out the title of the game. They also managed to deal with the driving issues Watch Dogs has, but still it is not perfect. Some enemies are a little bit like bulletproof, but it is not really an issue. Online features are not really so good as the game, they could have improved it, but still you can spend some few extra hours on online mode as well.

WRC 5 is the first rally game in the WRC series which was developed by Kylotonn and published by BigBen Interactive in 2015. The previous WRC titles were published by Milestone slr. The game as usual offers all teams and tracks from that season, but more importantly, have the game developers succeeded in giving players a good and a fun game that represents what rally looks like in real life?

Well, they haven't, nowhere near. This game isn't much of a stable racing game either, the graphics are out of date, more like a PS2 game, and this game was also released on PS4, I think that the reviews will not be so different as these for the PS3. The game is glitchy, a lot. The car damages are glitchy, and the co-driver skips some notes which I find the most irritating, as I finish out of the track most of the times. That's the main reason why I had to return to the visual notes on the HUD, which distracts me as I have to be focused on the HUD and not on the track.

All in all I think that there are some games back on the PS2 which are more realistic and immersive, with better graphics and driving physics.

This is a great racing game, the graphics and sounds are amazing. This game is mainly made for online racing, which means it doesn't have a proper career mode. Even though they added some singleplayer features, it is not the Career mode we were used to on the previous GT titles. They improved the arcade mode making it rewarding and more customisable, but no dynamic weather at all, you can only choose which time and weather you'll be racing at and that's it. The good thing which is the only thing I really loved about this game are the costum liveries, which can be created or downloaded. When I think about this game for a little longer I know that I don't feel like playing a Gran Turismo game, as I played every single GT title so far. The Driving licence is changed in something more easier, it is not challenging as before, and also it is not required to complete it to advance in the Career Mode as it was on previous titles. All in all you don't feel like this being a Gran Turismo game after all, but at least they didn't threw a bunch of almost identical cars like they did in GT6 ( 5 almost identical Mazda Roadster just with different statistics, what a waste of time and storage)

Some of them will find this game exciting, and some of them not. This game its not a major game, but more of an extension of the Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction. What I want to say is that you can finish this game in just few hours, 4-5 if you are new to the game. For this reason it doesn't put a great impact and the gameplay isn't so groundbreaking, which led me playing this game several times ( I think 6 or 7 times till now). All in all I recommend this for the fans of R&C, but for others, better not.

GT5 is a great racing simulation. The graphics and physics are good. I like how you unlock things by leveling up, also in order to compete in harder and more challenging events or to be able to purchase better cars you have to level up, level by level, new rewards or challenges awaits. The Extra Events are thrilling. The Arcade Mode is far more customisable than on the previous titles. The only disadvantage of this game is the slow flow of in-game currency which leads you to have to race some events repeated over and over again.

A great racing simulator, with both great graphics and car physics, in-depth car customisation, great variety of car and track selection. The Career Mode is great. They also added the new star system instead of driver level to advance to higher leagues in Career Mode. Great bonus events, but I find those in GT5 more exciting. The only thing that is a drag is the slow flow of in-game credits and the big amount of almost same cars which are slightly different only in the statistics and the year the car was made. All in all this game is the best racing simulation from Polyphony Digital so far with only some slightly issues which doesn't affect the gameplay.

This is my first Assassin's Creed I have ever played and since then, I started playing other AC titles. I absolutely loved the pirate theme, the ship battles are amazing with the epic ships battle. The map is huge and well-made. I absolutely loved every part of this game. The only thing i found not worth was the multiplayer, yeah, I think that AC titles aren't good at multiplayer, and this is absolutely ok, probably no-one bought this game for the multiplayer because singleplayer and the story is what matters here, and those two things were done so great, I think that this deserves a clear 10/10.

AC Rogue is a thrilling game, made after AC IV:Black Flag. The story is short, and after that, the only thing left to do is just going around the map and picking items. The ship battles are great. Even though the story not being as long as the previous title ( AC IV), the story is still thrilling and more challenging. The great amount of new weapons and tricks, makes you think how to approach a target in a new way. All in all if you loved AC IV, than you have to play this.

Mafia III is my first game of the Mafia franchise, so I will make this review without the influence of other Mafia titles. The game is an action-adventure game and was released in 2016 by 2K.

First of all, this game is amazing, I love the theme of this game, as also the graphics of New Bordeaux. OMG, the soundtrack, is glorious, I loved every song, so yes, I spent a great amount of time driving rather than walking around the streets. Yes, the missions become repetitive after some time, but still, the story is thrilling and fun.

All in all, I never got bored playing this game even though it is not the best one, but still it got its own charm.

LEGO Ninjago Movie Video Game is a action-adventure game and has a similar plot to the LEGO Ninjago TV Series. Released in 2017 by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.

This game as many other LEGO titles offers a splitscreen capabilty so that you can enjoy this game with someone from your family or friend. To be honest I loved to be given the option to play a game like this in co-op. The battle system is very interesting and fun, but still there are not many things to do, just picking up things and doing time-trial races. If you are a completionist like me, and you want to pick every last thing on the map, that will keep you busy for a long time.

All in all even though the main story is not that long, you can still have many hours of fun with collectibles.

Crash Bash is a party game featuring characters from the Crash Bandicoot series, released for PlayStation in 2000.

Crash Bash is a fantastic game, a game meant to be played with someone with you, or against you. The challenges are awesome, this game really made my childhood a better time, it is beautiful, challenging, addictive. In my opinion some challenges are maybe to challenging and it takes luck to finish them.

All in all this game is one of the best party games I've ever played, and the co-op mode made this game perfect.