The Reaper of Souls is an expansion of Diablo III, released in 2014 and featured in the Ultimate Evil Collection of the game.

The Expansion set offers a new act, with its own small story and boss. The map design are really well made and in my opinion better than the ones in the early phase of the Diablo main story. Before entering this new act, you have to first finish the main story.

All in all, a small, but still enjoyable expansion with great level design and boss fight, probably the hardest boss in the game.

Diablo III is a hack&slash game, third game in the Diablo series released by Blizzard in 2012 on consoles and PC.

The game offers a mediocre linear story, but the main feature is the great gameplay and RNG system done right. The main goal of the game is pretty straightforward, you have to kill the Prime Evil, Diablo.
You have several different classes to choose, each class offers its own passive and active abilities and weapons.
The game offers great replayability, where you can finish the story again or accept different bounties that will lead you to a boss fight.

All in all, this game isn't as good as Diablo II, but it still offers a great gameplay and gameplay mechanics which offers an acceptable endgame even though it can become repetitive after some time.

World in Conflict was developed by Massive Entertainment and released by Vivendi Games on PC in 2007.

This game differs much from others real-time strategy games like Company of Heroes or Command&Conquer titles, we still have units to command, but this time, units are limited by the amount of tactical resources within the game, so every unit counts, and you have to think twice about your every step before engaging your units in a fight. What also differs from other games is the addition of many air support options ready to be called when needed (also limited but easy to get). The story is again the old-fashioned USA vs Russia war. The Russian army invades USA, and we follow the mission of one battalion on their way to liberate their soil from the Russian invasion. The campaign is about 15 hours of gameplay, less than 20 missions, even though the gameplay and story is memorable, the multiplayer component isn't as good as the main game, I haven't found any enjoyment in it.

All in all, a great game worth playing more than once (only because of the story and gameplay, not the multiplayer).

The Soviet Assault DLC is the only addition this game has received and it was released in 2009., where you take control of the Soviet army in a short campaign which contains much fewer missions then the base game.

The Soviet Assault DLC is a pretty short experience and I think they could have done more, only 6 more story missions, without any remarkable additions to the game.

All in all, I think this DLC is not worth getting since there isn't much apart the few missions that you get. It's a good idea to see the other side of the battlefield, but if there was almost as many missions as the main game features, it would've been a proper addition to the game.

The Bad Blood DLC is the only addition to the Watch Dogs game and it was released in 2014., you play as T-Bone, a character you already know from the main game.

The Bad Blood DLC is too short and forgettable, T-Bone is almost like Aiden, but has some different skills, the side quest are too repetitive, almost a copy of the based game. There are not any improvements, nor any new experience. The new only thing you get is a RC Car.

All in all, a short and forgettable experience without any new addition aside the short story and a new gadget.

Watch Dogs is an open-world action-adventure game released by Ubisoft in 2015. on consoles and PC.

This game is a slightly different game from games like Grand Theft Auto games, this time, you are a hacker in a quest for vengeance.
As we follow the story of Aiden Pierce, a great hacker, who tries to solve the mystery of why is his family attacked by Fixers, we find out many other problems in Chicago. The city of Chicago and Aiden Pierce being a Vigilante are such a excellent match, as Chicago, being known by the amount of crimes.
The NPCs are amazing, when you walk the streets, you fell like everything is alive. The gameplay is great, the story is simply amazing, the graphics are okay, but still, could be better.
There are some things that needs to be improved, like driving and repetitive side quests, but apart from that you will still have a great time doing different side activities.

All in all, I recommend it for all open-world game fans. If not for the gameplay, at least for the story which is amazing, thrilling and fun.

The Following DLC is a major addition released in 2016. featuring a completely new map and story that occurred after the main story.

The DLC is a great addition to the main story which takes place in the countryside near Harran after the ending of the main game. What you get here is a small new story, a much bigger map and the possibility to drive a buggy which for some reason is the only working vehicle left in Harran.

I liked the DLC, but it's not as good the main game since many of the quests were scattered around the map, and made completing these tasks much more of driving chore and more less combat since the map is bigger than expected.

Dying Light is an action-packed zombie survival game, with implemented rpg elements to make the progression within the game more rewarding.

The additional title "Good Night, Good Luck" isn't there just to make the title more serious, but literally, if you complete quests or just roam around the map of Harran at night, you will be always making sure that you have a safe zone nearby so that you can take shelter in it, if you get caught by volatiles, which are probably the worst type of zombies in the game but at least you can't find them roaming around all the time since their skin can't support UV radiation.
The day and night cycle and having different weather effects makes you feel more or less safer, more or less cautious, all in all, weather does effect how easy you can get scared.
In the beginning of the game doing quest during night is a suicide mission, later when you get access to takedowns, camouflage, guns and overall better gear, playing at night will be a rewarding and scary experience.
The main story isn't at a Last of Us level but it's acceptable as the main selling point for this game is the combat, parkour and the environment and the amazing coop experience.
Combat and parkour are fluid, something on which the first Dead Island hasn't been really working on as the only parkour you had were interactions with objects and jumping.
Coop is probably the best way to play the game, similar to Dead Island, as you have to finish the prologue first and set the game server to public.

All in all, one of the best zombie survival game so far. Parkour, combat, coop and the environment is where this game shines. The element of danger that this game offers will be enough for years and after completing it you will be left with only good scary memories.

Yakuza 0 is an action-adventure game developed by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio and published by Sega in 2015. on PC and consoles. The game serves as a prequel set in 1988., taking place before the first Yakuza game.

In this game we play as two characters before they become legends, we play as Kiryu Kazuma, known as the Dragon of Dojima and Goro Majima, known as the Mad Dog of Shimano. Each characters is located in two small areas: Kamurochō and Sotenbori, fictionalized recreations of Tokyo's Kabukichō and Osaka's Dōtonbori areas.
Even though the maps are small, they're also packed with a great amount of various locations, from restaurants and shops to the disco and many entertainment related locations.
The story is linear and from time to time we shift characters and before playing as the other character we get a quick reminder of what happened before in case we forgot.
As mentioned this game serves as a prequel to the Yakuza series and it's the best way for new players to be introduced. You not only get the story of two characters and their rise to become legends but also a background story of each character and their role in the whole game.
The story overall is fantastic, brilliant, one of the best stories I've experienced in gaming so far. The story is complex (in a good way) and thrilling and it gets you attached pretty easily to both the story and characters.
Apart from having a fantastic story, the Yakuza games are always filled with a great amount of side content and stories and it's the same with this game. There are 100 substories and each one is unique in its own way. Not only that but you also get so much side content and minigames; this is probably several games in one package, from karaoke, disco to pool, darts, four arcade games and gambling games like mahjong, poker, blackjack,...
It's not over yet, you also get a business sidestory where for Kiryu you are a Real Estate Agent and for Majima you take control of a Cabaret Club.
So what about the gameplay? Well, I can describe Yakuza games as a Brawler game with many classical JRPG elements like a progression system, items and equipment, invisible walls and save locations. There are four fighting styles for both Kiryu and Goro that can be switched in the middle of a battle. The fourth fighting style for each character is unlocked after finishing the business side story.
Apart from the brilliant story and sheer amount of content that's available in this game, there are few things I didn't liked and those were the insanely hard "Climax Battles", the in-map invisible walls even though there isn't few meters before there is a door and the npc details that were popping in as I was approaching that npc.
Also in this game, they made great use of three different types of cutscenes and the voice acting, but I am dissapointed that they didn't use any voice acting in substories at all.

All in all, this game is a perfect introduction for newcomers into the Yakuza series. The story is really great and you'll never get bored while playing it, as you have so much additional content to be explored and completed while reliving the history of two legends. But not everything is perfect in this game as there are few things that shows how old this game is, but still, this is probably one of the best story-based brawler game with many classical rpg elements so far.

This is no ordinary F1 game, nooo, this time Codemasters implemented something new and innovative, the My Team mode, which is probably the only thing you would wanna spend most of the time on this F1 title.

My Team mode is like an easier F1 manager with the old-known F1 Career mode, so you are the driver and the manager of your own team. You have many options, from upgrading you car and facility, to dealing with driver's and sponsor's contracts.
I also love the fact that you can buy liveries and many other different items from the item shop, but even if you don't want to spend in-game currency for those things, there are still many customisation options.
After so many years, they've finally implemented splitscreen mode which isn't flawless as you can only play with one steering wheel. I am not sure why isn't that patched yet, since older F1 titles from Codemasters supports two steering wheels in splitscreen.
They also added a full F2 season and many old F1 cars from the Ayrton Senna 's Mclaren till the RedBull and other F1 cars from 2010.
Good thing with this game is the amount of flexibility you have while changing your difficulty settings, you can transform it into an arcade racing game (for those without any experience in driving), or into and F1 simulation, according to which level of experience you have in F1 games or any other racing game.

All in all, from all those racing games available, this is the one which is a MUST PLAY game because it gives you so much new things to try, new game modes, challenges and many possibilities.

Artificial Girl is an adult game released on PC in 2004. by Illusion. The game was only released in Japan. The backstory of the game is that you are on a deserted island with your artificial girl and that's it.

The game starts by selecting how your artificial girl will look like, the amount of options are very limited, there aren't many possibilities to make your artificial girl look unique in any way.
Before entering the game you're given the last customisation options to choose, those are 4 different girl's personalities given with 4 different blood types, the blood type you choose also affect the girl's voice.
Apart from that, the guy you take control is always the same, there aren't any options to change that, nor his clothing, nor his appearance.
The girl's appearance can only be changed at clothing shrines located around the island and the girl doesn't change them immediately, it takes time, after several player's actions.
The map of the deserted island is a semi open-world. It's divided into small open areas that can be accessed by following small roads. There aren't any interactive items on the island, nor the small areas make any sense how are they connected, from a beach, to a japanese garden to a dungeon. The connection between the small areas around the island areas doesn't make sense at all.
The main feature of the game are the "interactions". Even though that's the main feature, again, it doesn't offer much variety and the game doesn't explain you any of that in any way.
As I mentioned before, the girl has 4 different personalities, but the only way to interact with her is just calling her, holding her hand and do various "interactions", but there aren't any conversation options or just interactive options to really feel like the girl has any personality at all.

The game overall lacks variety in all parts of the game and it's hard too understand it, since the game doesn't explain you anything at all. The game looks like an unfinished product with good game mechanics to upgrade the future games into a more adults oriented life simulation game.

Sexy Beach 3 is an adult game released in 2006 on PC by Illusion.

The game revolves around a guy who went to a vacation on the Paradise Island. While being on a vacation he meets five girls, each one located on a different location around the island, by talking to them you take them to dates and you rise your affection level displayed with hearts from one to five.
The dating system is the weakest part of the game, as you can just go on a date and exit immediately and still be able to rise the affection level. In my opinion, for a date they could have implemented something like Dead or Alive Xtreme games have, beach minigames where if you finish them successfully, then you rise the affection level.
When the affection level rises, you are able to have more different "interactions" with the girl. There are many different "interactions", each with two phases and the only thing I noticed is that they are off sync a little bit, but still noticeable.
In this game every girl's appearance and yours is already determined by the game and the only thing you can change is the outfit and accessories the girl's wearing, those items can be unlocked by going on dates.

All in all, a game that lacks a proper dating system, since the only thing you can do is watch them, there is no further interactions such as conversation options or minigames that can fill the boring grind towards the five hearts affection level. The great amount of customisations and "interactions" adds variety to the game, but still there are non synchronised "interactions" which are pretty noticeable.

Planetside 2 is a free-to-play massive multiplayer first-person shooter developed by Rogue Planet Games and released on 2012. on PC and PlayStation 4.

The game is based on three faction trying to conquer different planets, each with different biomes and vegetation. There are three factions: New Conglomerate (NC), Terran Republic (TR) and Vanu Sovereignty (VS), each has its own weapons, vehicles and aircrafts. You get to choose with which faction do you want to take side and this is probably where the first issue comes. The problem, especially nowadays since there are not as many players playing it as before, is that sometimes it happens that there are just so much more players in one faction. What i would like to see is a system that according to the player count puts you in a faction where there are less players in order to even the player count across all factions.
The game also supported the largest amount of players in one server, this is why the maps are huge and in my opinion, especially nowadays the maps are too big, I would probably make the maps half the size so that there isn't so much empty unused space.
There isn't soo much different content, there are no more events or something like it, probably because of the low amount of players playing it right now.

All in all, I haven't been playing this game when it launched and I only started playing it when the player count already fell down, unfortunately. The main problem I saw with this game is not having a system that distributes players according to the player count in each faction and the size of the maps leaving much unused empty space. I would love to see a sequel soon or maybe some radical changes implemented in the game, so that even more new and returning players joins this massive game which has much more potential than what it looks at first glance.

Fortnite is a free-to-play title battle royale game released in almost all platforms on 2017.

The became quickly so popular due to its innovative gameplay, including constructing buildings with 4 simple building commands and, for each construction option, more than a few variations. The game was divided into seasons and later also into chapters, where in each season there would be some new backstory, gameplay changes, new weapons, new skins and the layout of the map would change drastically. The Battle Pass which changes also each season, its progression through ranks was firstly a mission-tied progression system where for each completed mission you would get few ranks points, nowadays, the progreesion is level-based where you get new items after each new level acquired.
Well, that's the only thing which has improved over the years. The first thing I want to point out is how much more variety and changes we were getting back when the game came out. Nowadays they only change the thematic of the season, change a few towns according to the theme and add a few vaulted weapons which we already had in more than one season. They only thing that they are consistent in are new skins, of course, that's where they earn money the most.
As I have played probably more than 80% of the time in split-screen mode, which was added two years after the release. I was always noticing issues that weren't solved over the years. Fistly the second player can't access the item shop. Even though there are deals in the item and I have them, the other player just gets an empty screen. What is more, if the second player tries to change the skin or anything else, after entering the match, the first player gets many different issues like unresponsive or delayed controls, map, quests or backpack inaccessible. All in all, in one update everything seems in order with the split-screen, but after another update, everything goes south. In my opinion if they can't make a proper working split-screen mode that won't break after an update, they shouldn't have implemented it.
One thing they added after few years are AI players or known as bots. I don't know why are they implemented, but in my opinion, those are some of the worst AI players I've seen in my life, it's if you were playing a first or third person shooter with a difficulty set to "Can I play, Daddy?".
There is also a singleplayer mode called "Save the World", which is hidden behind a paywall. I haven't experienced it, but from what I heard, the only reason why someone is buying that expansion is because you can earn even more in-game currency.

All in all the game was far more fun in its early days, nowadays there can be seen a drop in variety in content they put every season, But the game still hold up pretty good for a seven years old game. Many battle-royale games didn't succeded in providing constant updates and content for players to enjoy which resulted in a slow decrease in player count.

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is an action-adventure game released on PlayStation 4 in 2017. So far is the latest entry of the Uncharted series and the first one in which Nathan Drake isn't in the game.

The game revolves around Chloe (a character met in Uncharted 2) and Nadine (met in Uncharted 4 as a rival), who are trying to find the Tusk of Ganesh located somewhere in India. This time, the one who is also on a lookout for this tusk is Asav a leader of a group of Kannadigan insurgents who waged a guerrilla war against the government of India.
The main story is much shorter than what we are used to get, it takes a bit more than 5 hours to finish it and because of this reason many players call this an extension or DLC of Uncharted 4, since the characters models and graphics are almost identical.
Even though the game is shorter, it still gives you many great weapons, encounters and puzzles to solve, everything what other games had, nothing new, nothing removed.

All in all, as every Uncharted game, the game offers a great experience, but this time in a smaller package. If you liked every Uncharted game so far, this is also a must have then.