Memories of playing this with my dad.

I miss you, dad <3


Sifu is so fucking good. I fuckin' love Sifu. Sifu is a game. It's a gamey game. The most gamey fuckin' game to have ever fuckin' gamed in the fuckin' history of games.You like watching badasses in The Raid and John Wick? BE the badass. Kill Bill, all Kill, no Bill. Daddy's gone. Snake in the Eagle's Fuckin' Shadow. Oldboy, Youngman, Youngboy, Oldman, whatever man. MAN, Mad Dog and Karambit guy from The Raid meets Machete in the jungle. Whoop whoop in the club while whoopin on hot boy Sean. Lady Snowblood's blood in the snow. Ding Dong bitches. Way Down We Go. Choking out the rich. i'M yOU bUt StROnGeR. Get the fuck outta here Yang. Go play this fucking masterpiece of a game. Achieve Wude. We fucking love Sloclap in here, we fucking love Benjamin Colussi, in here, hell yeah. Peace out, y'all.

Maybe robbing places isn’t a good way of life

Yet another reminder that I am absolute dogshit at soulslikes and am a little bitch when it comes to anything remotely horror. Maybe I shouldn't play Bloodbourne like all my friends are asking to on that premise alone.

Oh yeah and the game is pretty good I guess.

This game really makes you FEEL like you got your hair done and you got your nails done.

I only remembered this game existed because I heard the Enter the Dragon theme on YouTube and realized Kung Fu Chaos didn't actually have an original menu theme. I seriously thought the theme belonged to Ninja Theory and that they didn't steal it from WB.

Wipeout but I’m assaulting the other contestants and possibly getting charges pressed for attempted murder.

I forgot what I did in this game

I would play Nacht Der Untoten until I got scared, quit the game, then pick it right back up whenever I felt like it. Rinse and repeat and that's how 12 year old me got to round 18 solo. idk what the moral of the story here is.

This game is why I don't play horror. I can admit I'm a fucking coward. Don't be shy. Say it to my face please :)