It's not that good, I wouldn't have an issue with it it was free though.

This game is wonderful and an adorable little cute game. I did feel like I was too old for it though, which I haven't ever felt from a game before, but it's designed to feel super blissful and naive at the start so that's probably why, but some of the stuff needs to be dialed up to be a liiittle harder maybe. It really is good though and I'd recommend it (And it deserves to be Overwhelmingly Positive!!!).

Not having screenshots is a serious travesty though, the game has so much love poured into the art and you can't screenshot it. :c

Same generic garbage you're used to but with better smokes. I was global a few times back in like 2012-2016 but quit completely around 2016. The game has no real value to be taken seriously, only casual play and trading. Cheaters are at every single level of the game (even silver and pro offline matches), a lot of people don't understand how cheats even work so you'll see a lot of people defending VAC and so on.

Yes yes yes I would recommend it I loved it!!! I will buy any amount of extra Life Is Strange episodes the developers create that are about Max and Chloe and Rachel!!! Not a huge fan of how the last episode ended though, the extra bit I mean. Totally unnecessary. Mean devs!!! 😭 😭 😭

Fun movement and exploration, no map is not great, basically no real story but it was enjoyable to play.

I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it.

The only real thing I can say about this is I'm really sad (in a good way, I want them to be able to enjoy it and experience it for themselves) for all the people that have never played this because they thought it was a "lesbian game". This is an absolute must play, regardless of your political beliefs or anything. I can't really say anything because I don't want to spoil it for anyone who is on the edge of playing it. Just that I hope you do!

It's a cool game but I thought it was a city builder basically but without buildings. I didn't realize how much you have to like "meta" it, I never won a game in 2 hours of play (which is fine, I don't wanna be good at everything instantly) but I learned that was because I was connecting roads together for different colors and using traffic lights. If you look up tips and tricks online people say to never connect different colored roads together or use traffic lights, seems kind of stupid and makes it more of a puzzle game which isn't what I was expecting when I bought it. I want to be able to build a real city with streets and connecting highways, not deliberately isolate roads by colors and not connect them, it doesn't feel like a real city that way.

This is my first time playing anything like DND or a CRPG (?) I think.

I absolutely loved it, it took me 110 hours to finish the game once on the medium (or normal) difficulty and I'm listening to the credits as I write this. I've been playing like 10 hours a day since release.

I pirated it actually because I've never played anything like it and was afraid of buying it if I wouldn't be any good at it or enjoy it. Then when I got to the grove and I interacted with some random rat and I ended up passing a skill check to recognize that he hurt his tooth and he led me somewhere where he hurt it, that's when it hit me how cool it is and how much potential the game might have. I uninstalled the pirated copy and bought the full thing the same day and now am most likely going to be a lover of this stuff for life, thanks Larian Studios. <3

I also hit my record for most playtime in one session, I think it was up to like 900 minutes or something. 🤭

I think I'm going to start a new game on Tactician with an alcoholic Dwarf and get completely demolished by the AI, but it will be fun for a little! I can't imagine doing the whooooole game on Tactician though!

Extremely fucking cool, just a little sad it doesn't have many players.

Extremely same-y, even after 2 runs I felt like I had seen it all. Refunded it after a few more runs.

Beautiful game. I got a little antsy near the end and I shouldn't have because now I don't want it to be over (At least I get to try the DLC soon! Yay!). One of those games I'd encourage anyone to play before they die. Even non gamers. A game that can be used to demonstrate video games as an example of what they should be and how high of a ceiling they can attain for art and entertainment.

Really cute little game, had no idea people made stuff like this for free anymore.

Have only been able to play a little bit due to all the problems the port has but oh my gosh it's one of the best games I have ever played.

Edit after the game has been mostly fixed and I've completed it. This game is in the top 3 of best games I've ever played, what a beautiful and extremely engaging and fun game.

I'm going to just list and throw things at you instead of trying to put it together in a concise manner since I just finished the game and it's all fresh.

I vaguely knew the end of the game going into it (I did wait 10 years or so to play it after all), but the story is absolutely wonderful, it's enthralling and never once did I feel bored or like "Ugh I just wanna get this game over with.". Every time I felt like "Oh, the end of the game is coming up... darn..." the game ends up giving you another 2-3 hours, and that happens about 4 times (Ish, I don't remember exactly.) and it's absolutely awesome.

One of the only games to do stealth right and make it extremely immersive and fun. Going to replay on the hardest difficulty most likely so I can experience the stealth in an even harder way. (Dishonored 1 and Splinter Cell are the only others I can think of right now that do it well.)

Best visuals of any game I've ever played, it's amazing how much configuration there is in the graphics settings, and also the way they showcase each and every graphics setting is extremely different and vastly useful. It's something you would think would be commonplace in the gaming industry but absolutely isn't, I don't think I've ever played a game that was as indepth for graphics settings as The Last of Us is.

If you had to show a videogame to an alien civilization this would be one of the ones you chose, if not the first one you picked.

The combat is SO visceral, I wasn't super into using the melee weapons you find around, but the gunplay and the shiv combat is absolutely breathtaking and beautifully animated. It's extremely grotesque too but in a good way, the realism is amazing, I have heard rumors that Naughty Dog suggested and or encouraged their developers to look at real life gore to help with their work. Now I don't know if it's true but it's absolutely 100% easy to believe given how gore looks in the game. I normally am squeamish and tend to hate excessive gore in videogames but it's genuinely likeable and feels extremely on par.

There is so much polish in places where you wouldn't expect it, even just for a few seconds of gameplay, like Joel riding the horse and ducking his head, etc.

The dialogue system is really nice and refreshing.

Still feeling bad about Sarah during the credits, I don't think I have ever been so emotionally attached to a character that had so little time in the actual story. Her part of the game and story is so tragic and I feel so much empathy for it, it hurts a little now even writing this.

I absolutely love it and give it a 10/10, I would be recommending yes in a normal situation but given how bad the release was (I didn't get to play more than a few hours until a week or so after buying it, I tolerated about 70 freezes and maybe 5 ish crashes but then it became unplayable and it would freeze or crash faster than I could progress lol, or it just wouldn't boot to the main menu and would lock up at launch), but I want to stand in solidarity with other people that can't get it to run and help be a part of getting it fixed, even if it's a small contribution.

Even during the credits I was already wanting to play it again, I don't think I've ever felt that way about any other game I've ever played.