Bros ain't lying the game is dope
I had like 27 hours of game before making a new save so I could help a friend who started plaiyng for the first time and in the end I got it, I finally beat Hollow Knight after like 5 years maybe
Cool game with, really good flow and I think my only complaint is the fact the game had TO MUCH SHIT TO DO at the same time I finished the first time with like 83% so I NEED to do 100% (I couldn't I stoped at 94% and is gonna be like this for some time) but I can stop anywhere anyway not exactly an issue
so yeah cool game and if need to shove my ass locked in my house for days for any reason now I know the game to do so

It's ok!
To be honest
I expected more, a lot more, but my rating is not by a disappointment with the game
it's not bad in any manner, cool game with, an awesome soundtrack but in general, I was not excited playing the game, thrilled for the next challenge yet not having a bad time
It' ok!

Mó preguiça de escrever em inglês hoje

Mega Man 4 é um jogo que eu sempre tive dificuldade, Mega Man é difícil e isso é inegável, nunca tentei jogar muito do 5 e do 6, mas o 4 ,que era o próximo da série pra eu zerar, eu nunca ia muito longe e eu finalmente entendi o porquê.
Deus do céu, tudo causa uma quantidade astronômica de dano ao nosso carinha azul, é simplesmente assustador. Um dos maiores pesadelos que eu já vivi é ter morrido diversas vezes pro Bright Man quando ele me paralisava e pulava pra cima de mim.
Enfim, sobre o jogo mesmo, eu acho uma situação meio Miojo, é gostoso e até dá pra turbinar (Minus Infinity), mas nunca que vai substituir uma refeição completa. As fases pra mim mostram bem o ânimo que eu sinto jogando esse jogo, todas são muito simples e diria até que estranhas, num geral eu achei as fases até que bem parecidas na dificuldade, o que é paia, gosto de sentir que preciso deixar uma fase pra depois porque não tô muito bom no jogo ainda.
A trilha sonora é ok, só que eu não consigo lembrar uma música sequer além da que toca na luta contra os chefes. Os visuais do jogo me agradam mais do que o seu antecessor (pelo menos nas cores), mas ainda acho muito básico, dei uma bisbilhotada no Mega Man 5 antes de escrever aqui e veio igual um soco a diferença das fases, muito mais coloridas, detalhadas, pareciam muito mais vivas, então ver essa discrepância realmente fez eu olhar pra esse jogo com outros olhos.
Acho que o ponto alto pra mim nesse jogo são os chefes, o que é curioso, geralmente é a parte que eu menos ligo nos jogos da série, mas aqui o desafio foi tanto pra mim que me viciei no Boss Rush e no dia seguinte que zerei quis tomar uma segunda dose do joguinho. O problema pra mim nesse jogo é a brutalidade contra o nosso Mega Mano, O Maluco Tá em Pedaços, tudo dá muito dano no carinha, se você encosta num chefe sequer você já pode começar a escolher o seu caixão, o desespero sobe a cabeça e daí é só pra baixo.
No fim, o jogo é legal e pra mim o destaque são os chefes, coisa que eu nunca esperaria dizer com meus anos de Mega Man, mas infelizmente todo o resto é bem medíocre pra mim.

Godlike soundtrack and presentation, everything here makes you instantly fall in love with the world of Tokyo-to. I had a good time and experience with the game but definitely could be better.
You gonna take you're time adapting to the controls, camera, etc. Even when you take the grip of the game and things start make sense there are still quite strange things. You feel like you're doing something wrong.
My biggest problem is the limited number of areas you visit through the game, basically 3 "big" maps and 2 small areas in the second chapter.
I don't know how the development of this game was for such a small package of a game and how this influenced the devs reusing so much content but because of this I don't feel the necessity of revisit the game.

Sweet Soul Brothers it's the best song in the game and I'm really sad in how the full soundtrack of the game isn't availbe on streaming.

Beat the Arcade Mode with Ryu
Parry shouldn't be this busted
I prefer the old scenarios from New Generation and Second Impact
ggs shake my hand

I don't think I had fun with this game even once
It's sad. I wanted to have fun with this one

Everyone knows how impactful this game was and still is because of its Web Swing mechanics, but I was questioning myself, is there much more of a game here besides the web swing?
And the answer is: No.
Is this a problem?
The answer is: No, again.
Racing the challenges of the game is enough, all the rest it's quite bland. Combat is boring, lack interesting boss fights, and the progression itself fucking sucks

but again
race is really cool :D

It's so fucking beautiful, you can play the game for this only porpose if you want
But about the game itself, is cool, has cool variety on the enemy sprites and diferent supers are really cool to see on screen
The dificult in the later stages are a big pain in the ass, but playing with a friend quite helped to get through those stages
I wish the Sailor Moon fighting games was GORGEUS to look at like this one

It's a good game but not a good package
42 levels is too much for this game
The levels are odd, kinda blank but it's still fun playing with Kirby
It's kinda impressive how much this game evolves and upgrade the way you play in comparison with the previous one
Much more charisma and joy but still, the amount of levels kinda kills this game

It's really simple and I'm ok with that
Short and good

Mint Breath stays playing on my head right now

I'm playing some Mario Karts recently, but I always miss this game
The challenge, design, soundtrack
Everything is perfect for me

Metroid Zero Mission was my favorite Metroidvania game
So I played Dread and now I never gonna touch this game again(it's a lie)
Kinda impressed how I manage to play this game on the LAUCH??? It was a new experience ngl

For many years I tried to play this game and always thought it was bad
After a bunch of tries, I finally understand how I have to "play" this game and had some fun
It's ok
Unfortunately, the "Speed" gameplay was pretty bad in comparison to the previous title, it's so sloppy and is a single line if you go to the left you gonna die the game can't just let do other things what is pretty sad
Playing with the mechas is cool but the design of the levels make me feels uncomfortable there are so many tips and death jumps you play with constant fear
And the last one is probably the most disappointing for me, the "hunt" levels are so compact it feels like a really small box and it's so difficult to explore the levels I feel lost and this is probably the section of the game where I take a break
Shadow is a cool character

I'm ok with this game, not so bad as I though
My unique problem maybe is to get on some islands you had to trace a PERFECT line
The races are really fun