This game is proof that making engaging gameplay loop for rogue-like is hard af.
Cute animal people are not enough to carry this game.

A reskin of the worst version of the game.
Why do some interiors look like shit? Why wasn't a single issue with OG fixed? (aside from minor combat fixes)
No male social links (what the fuck?)
ATLUS will rerelease it in a few years with p3p additions fullprice and people will eat it up.

It goes from 10/10 first act, to very mid, to absolute garbage near the end.
There are loads of issues: combat system targeting system is useless, dialogue straight out of shonen manga, bonkers plot armor.
This game has been in development for 6 years and the last act for 3 years (WTF). This game feels like an early access scam. It's a big letdown I kinda expected it to go full Xenogears or Kojima style.

Sure it has the best and most polished gameplay (playing by release date). But holy fuck the first few chapters suck so much ass. I can't believe Dogi got replaced by old alcoholic fart that isn't fun to play as and mostly talks about pissing his pants in cutscenes. Other cast members aren't much better. Imagine being a newcomer to Ys series and the first 5 hours of cutscenes Laxia behaves like a spoiled brat and talks about how "there are a lot of different folks in this world". Other 2 characters are actually fun to use aside from the fact that Hammel leaves the party for a long time for no fucking reason. Hot take: this game only needed Adol and Dana as party members. What is the actual point of having cheer leading squad of characters with 0 substance?
Pacing of this game is absolutely fucked: 10 corridor dungeons in a row, a mandatory fucking raid (fuck this minigame), a filler arc just as story is about to get interesting, turned off fast travel makes you run for 10 minutes through old areas.
My opinion on the story started to improve near the end, but Kondo pulled the most Kiseki bullshit Deus Ex Machina for the ending. I can't believe the true ending is worse then the bad ending. (BTW multiple endings for the first time in the series. Didn't do sidequests? Fuck you, go replay 70 hours game haha.)
Anyway the verdict is the same as for ys seven:
if this game was twice shorter it would be great. I really hope that Kiseki desease stops at 9, amen 🙏🙏🙏

I'm going to offer some advice to cope with vertical difficulty spike.
1) check psn profiles guide for easy leveling trick (I'd recommend trying other things before that)
2) check Customization guide. The game doesn't give you good weapons, in fact you're stuck with garbage for the entire game if you don't use it!
3) blacksmithing (same thing, if you don't get good armor, you're fucked)
If not for awful PA system, arena, backtracking and difficulty spikes it'd be a great game

Nice idea. UI is an absolute clusterfuck though.
You have to manually hover on each enemy's dice and calculate the damage you take, after that take into account enemy corruption levels and their passives.
This should be a part of the UI and it's not like it's hard to make it better.

Imagine a game having 20 hours long postgame with more story, mechanics and bosses. An absolute masterpiece. (we don't talk about chapter 4 fiasco)


Imagine selling your game in Russia and Belarus, taking the money and not letting people play multiplayer (even private matches).
To this day people keep buying this game and get scammed.
The game is nice, but developers are scumbags.

This is the worst RPG I played this year.

Dogshit writing like "what if LGBT was a country".
Mandatory 5 minutes long dialogues about transition and dead names. Every exchange sounds like a desperate attempt to make characters seem wholesome.
Dogshit character writing: one having 10+ monologues about change and acceptance in every room, the other one's whole personality is about being trance and gay, bookworm lady (the only adequate character) - only talks about books, and stupid nb child that only talks about food.
Uninspired combat system: imagine calling your weakness types: rock,paper,scissors; awful enemy designs; the entire thing is generic RPG maker combat.

This game is a rare example of fucked up time loop story.
The entire point of such stories is to drive mc crazy (like arc 6 Subaru kind of crazy, the trailer hints on that aspect a lot as well), and let people see how even smallest deviations from previous timelines lead to big changes.
Only mc going crazy happens in the last hour of the 15+ hours long game. And the only thing time loops are good for is for backtracking (imagine having more backtracking in your game then in all the first 3 resident evil games combined). About backtracking: prepare to do random bullshit: like looking at the fucking mirror to unlock a dialogue option and to your mc refusing to read a book, because you didn't do another random thing.

If the entire point of this game was to drive the player insane faster then mc, then this game is 10/10.
It might also be 10/10 if you're 13 years old twitter user with pronounce and rainbow flag.

It's a good game.
The only problems I found are:
- broken aiming keeps switching targets and sometimes doesn't lock at all
- Kolibri rooms with tank controls (radio control with d-pad makes you swap control scheme)
- broken geometry and weird door hitboxes (sometimes you can enter the door 10 steps away, but other times you have to perfectly hug the wall in a room full of enemies)

The only way to get stronger is to grind stupid gym minigames. (in next order you can fight for stats)
If someone made a mod or a cheat to skip that bs it would be great. You're fucked if you play on original 3ds.

You'll probably enjoy it the most if you like digging up secrets.
It's a giant time sink and good luck finding info with community having CIA level of confidentiality.
The story is confusing af. The only thing you can say conclusively is that everyone is a lesbian.

I guess I should go replace my outdated GPU with another outdated GPU during the shortage so that the game actually works. Big L by Remedy. Why does a linear game needs all this mesh shader shit anyway.

It's ok. I dropped it the first time around maintenance sector for a reason.
There are many gameplay elements that don't work very well.
- it's trying to look like metroidvania, but it's not
-shitty map system
-optional abilities don't have much value
-the only way to heal is to kill enemies
-upgrade system itself doesn't matter: you play most of the game with the same loadout.
-it has alan wake problem with enemy variety, feels like you fight same 3-4 enemy types over and over again.
-enemies may randomly respawn when you go in and out of the room
- randomly generated timed quests (bruh)
The writing is good, but SO much left unexplained, which is an obvious sequel bait.

DLC1 review: boring ass landscape. It has 2 new/shitty abilities that you can only use in this area (amazing). When I played through 20 minutes long platforming section in astral plane, I left and went to play better DLC. (I looked up the synopsis and I honestly didn't lose much)
DLC2: long as fuck, but actually interesting, not much else to say.
Overall: felt like I was playing a little worse version of quantum break. I'll definitely check out the sequel when it comes out.

Act 1 was great, but only 5 levels (bruh)
Act 2 feels like continuation of BG1-2. Since I didn't play them I couldn't relate with gay women vs evil dad's cult plot.
Act 3 is unfinished AF. You get level 12 at the beginning and then the game becomes filler with barely anything relevant affecting final battle.

Companion stories and dialogue disappear entirely after act 1 and in act 3 they don't matter. The list of cut content is insane to write here.
Also I played entire game without using tadpole powers. I am one of the people mad about the game having 0 acknowledgment and consequences of not using it.
Pathifinder WOTR on day 1 was way better then BG3 in it's current state.