okay fine i'll kiss the exarch on the mouth too

baby's first moba. i'll get as much enjoyment out of it as i can before everyone stops and the whales remain.

fighting dinosaurs with a saxophone

the only modern version of panel de pon/puzzle league/puzzle challenge/tetris attack out there as far as i've seen. it's in early access so it's pretty barebones right now, but it's got potential

this happened to my buddy earl

it is absolutely too early to give a review on this when it was just released, but my god it is so good. everything feels so polished, and it pays off greatly because the levels are so fun to play. they'll kick your ass, but the ranking system is very forgiving, so don't shy away if difficult rhythm games aren't your style.
there's also a huge amount of custom maps made for this game already. pick it up if the early access label is what's scaring you from getting it this early.

yes, it has glaring issues. i had fun though. twitter gamers are so fucking annoying

despite the emotive characters, neat music, and stylish presentation, FNF has glaring issues with note placement in nearly all song charts that make it frustrating to play.

notes in most songs have questionable placement, with 16th notes being placed where they shouldn't be or constant beats having irregular gaps that don't match the song at all. playing FNF on lower difficulties also doesn't help much because all notes are from the hard map with seemingly random notes removed. less notes doesn't necessarily mean easier when timing is incorrect.

the maps need another pass over by more than one person, and the editor needs a hitsound so if a note is wrong it can be actually heard. if you have trouble hitting some notes in songs despite playing on easy, it's very likely the note isn't placed on the beat properly so don't blame yourself.

i hold my keyboard like a guitar and it works surprisingly well

i regret not saving that old guitar

desperately needs a sequel. hell, i'd even take a port with accessible online

i wish so much that i could play this game for the first time again. to experience every little bit of dialogue, story, and music track as if i hadn't heard it before would be the greatest thing ever.

a stylish bullet hell with my music from some of my favorite artists when i was in high school

feel like shit just want her back