This game has tons of fun content in it. It is a survival game, with all good and parts of it. I loved the base building and the purge mechanics.


This game is alright. Some characters are way better than others. Builds feel quite restrictive, especially more fringe characters. It can be fun with friends.

This stand-alone title covers a unique time period of pre-modern warfare. This game has most competition beat in so many ways, in so many aspects that it is hard not to come back to it time and time again.

Once all the DLC were out, this became the pinnacle of the Total War franchise. There is so much style and gameplay that is unmatched.

The bad: This game still had the Amplitude trademark desynchronization problems in multiplayer.

The good: Basically everything else.

I feel like the experience was a bit less tight than Endless Space, especially on release. It was fun, but something didn't grab me as much as the Endless Space games. Good original set of races though, VERY inspired selection.

This game made me fall in love with the developers. <3 you Amplitude!

More content, more variety, levels, more enemites. It had more of everything which made it a better game. I did this like the item level mechanic of this game however, I felt it made an already hidden element of damage and stats a bit more obfuscated.

A very fun, but content lack game. I personally enjoyed every aspect of this game, just wished there was more to the late game than farming the same map over again to get 1 legendary item drop. I think this game
heralded of a new generation of quality Gamesworkshop IP games too, can't forget that.


This is a good shooter. Very fun, but less tight of a package than 2016.

This very mid.It is NOT a bad game.

It is technically the best Darksouls game...but for me, there was too much rehashing, and didn't feel fresh anymore. It was still fun though.