154 Reviews liked by Dotizera

The main story of DDLC is really solid horror VN. A lot of moments in the later acts feel unsettling and I was creeped out by some of the things that happen. The story itself I wasn't really all that big on. We've such short time with the characters that we don't to know them as much....that is until you read the side stories.

The side stories is the new addition in the Plus version of DDLC. They only focus on the four heroines and oh my god IT'S SO GOOD. Getting see them interact and grow was great I personally loved Monika and Natsuki but everyone was amazing as well. Lowkey much of my praise goes to the side stories and I definitely say its worth going through.

This game......it moved me.

By favorite entry in the series. Such good conclusion to Ezio's journey and much needed closure to Altair's story. Story was just fun and engaging overall.

Gameplay had has some neat add ons like the hook blade which traversing through levels and climbing easier. There's bombs you can craft and buy. I haven't used it a whole lot during my time playing but more options to engage in gameplay is always welcomed.

Overall, I absolutely loved it and I can't believe gave it a low score lmao but at least I properly went to the games. As write this I still haven't gone through Desmond's Journey and I wanna go back to Brotherhood to do any story side quest I've missed. More reasons just go back and enjoy these games more.

Okay one negative tho......give me back my cool anime protagonist Altair. I wasn't really rockin his new VA.

This is probably the weirdest hear me out I've ever written but I love the story and characters of this. I know, the whole "oh hentai with plot" thing but this genuinely tells an interesting story about getting lost in fantasy. If you're okay with a lot- and I mean A LOT of gross awful shit for the sake of an interesting psychological horror story then please read this. It's not the best by any means, but it genuinely surprised me.

I think I had good time playing through this but I think I like it less than AC2. While the story isn't bad, it felt weak for the most part. I really do like the whole building your brotherhood aspect of the game. Liberating Rome and recruiting people into creed was pretty fun I think spent meandering around lol.

The gameplay is more of the same so much I want to say but you can use a crossbow which....I didn't buy until I was already at the end of the game. I also really like that Rome is the only city to explore so less overwhelming than prior entries.

I don't think its a bad game by any means but the whole time I was thinking "I sure can't wait to get to Revelations" while playing. It got pretty tiring doing what felt like 100 missions of following someone so that damper my enjoyment for a bit. Anyway, Revelations soon.

Fate/Samurai Remnant is overall a very great game with a couple of pretty glaring flaws.

The story of this game was a very fun return to the "proper" Holy Grail War format that the franchise had not really used (Excluding FGO's Paper Moon chapter from earlier in the year) in ages. The way the game splits into a couple of different “routes” near the end also felt very reminiscent of Stay Night which was the best thing it could have been. Some parts of the story were unfortunately seemingly left open for DLC, but the package that's there is easily compelling enough to play the game without waiting for those.

The characters are all really great. Iori and Saber are just an incredibly charismatic duo to follow through the game and the way the NG+ exclusive ending caps off their story felt very cathartic. All of the other masters were also very endearing and I’m glad the game managed to show their side as well.

My biggest issue with the game though is its gameplay. The boss “break bars” are far too annoying to deal with and every single fight feels like a drag. The normal enemies and the more “musoulike” gameplay was very fun but most story bosses lost some of their oomph due to the super long time to beat them. It also did not help that the game required another playthrough to reach the 2 endings you didn't achieve on your first playthrough.


game slaps and you all are too chicken shit to admit it.

I'm sad that I don't have more contact with Buddhism to be able to understand all the allusions that F/Extra ends up making. But its central themes are one of my favorite themes; Stagnation, War, Nihilism. While a lot can be taken from Buddhism that the work is steeped in, in my opinion it can also be taken from Nietzsche, since Nilism is one of the components that runs through the entire game. I think Extra encapsulates Nasu's pessimistic phase well, as it is hammered into our heads how stagnation is not an option and can be worse than war, but at the same time war is not a good thing and neither should it be be an option, much less an endless repetition like Twice wanted, because it would just be hell - A war that never ends just another means of stagnation. All that remains for us is to look for another option other than either of these two, however the work does not indicate which option this is. It says that we must find, however it does not indicate what we must find, what we must aspire to. This reminds me a lot of Nietzsche, who for years had not yet discovered amor-fati and was therefore unable with his heart to cling to the notion of the superman, or his other beliefs.

Considering this is the very first story ever written by Nasu, probably with a few rewrites and the power of hindsight, Mahoyo doesn't really feel like a prequel to everything that was set up on previous Type-Moon entries

It actually feels more like the omega point of the entire franchise with its themes and characters, which you'll immediately notice they get callbacks from Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night in direct and indirect ways

Mahoyo is a story about the whimsical nature of magic on its last legs, slowly drying out as it has been studied down to a science, making no different that technology used by humanity, contrasting this theme with the rapid growth of urbanization by Japan's Bubble Era consuming its natural habitat for more progress

And yet, despite change being inevitable, it doesn't mean a miracle is impossible, which is the core of Mahoyo's story, a beautifully and surprisingly simple story all things considered

on top of a great presentation that has yet to be truly rivaled besides on other Type-Moon VNs, Mahoyo delivers in absolutely everything it strives for

Also, Fuck Touko Aozaki

FHA is largely about letting go of Fate too kind of. It's more Nasu wanting to be done with the franchise than a sequel. But fans just kept asking for more, it kept selling, and here we are now. It makes sense that it keeps getting ignored when you think about it like that.

This was really cool, loved the style of it being a time loop and how even seemingly small decisions effected the loop in different ways, unlocking new events and paths for future loops. The main through line with Shiki, Len and the overall setting was really interesting. Especially loved the revelation near the end. Len herself was always fun to encounter in a new place, while you did something seemingly normal you learn something about the story for the next loop. I love how Shiki can sort of choose what's "cannon" each route, namely if Akiha goes to his school or not.

All the characters were great, Shiki was amazing again, seeing his perspective on the loop situation was interesting. None of the female leads were as focused individually as in their respective routes in Tsukihime, naturally of course. But all their content was really good and I always enjoyed interacting with them. Even though the game doesn't pick one route from OG to build off of, you get a lot of "post OG" type of interactions, certain characters dynamics are changed to how they would be after OG occurs. I'm happy Seo was there too. Ichigo was a nice addition alongside other new characters like Shiki's doctor and nurse.

Overall the side stories in 10 Nights of a A Dream were great too. Only 2 I didn't like, but the rest were really good. Namely the Akiha, Arihiko and Papa Nanaya ones were great for story and character moments, and the more funny ones were funny. The Hisui one was nice as it used one of my favorite endings from OG as the basis. And the Tag one was initially goofy but had a very nice ending for Kohaku.

Overall this was a great sequel I'm happy I read, another Tsukiverse banger.

Great time. Interesting concept of adding fighting game sections to a VN story, made it more intense. Sion is a great MC and a fun addition to the Tsukihime cast. Love the variety of personality she displayed in such a small amount of time. Wallachia is cool too, joins his fellow Tsukihime antagonists Roa and SHIKI in the cool guy club. Story had a lot of nice, touching and funny moments depending on route. Especially liked the one route Akiha worked together with Shiki for once. The serious routes were excellent especially the last big Sion scene in the Wallachia fight section. The funny routes were funny love Kohaku antics always. Miyako is kinda funny I guess. Wish Arcuied and Ciel did more in the story, but I guess they have their own routes in Tsukihime so I get it.

Gameplay wise, the fighting game gameplay is really fun. Very intense and visually appealing and satisfying. They worked each character's personalities and quirks into their move sets well. FUCK G-Akiha though. Dumbass boss fight.

Overall very cool, a welcome addition to Tsukiverse.

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a fucking masterpiece! while there is a steep entry due to some very disturbing adult themes, there is a deep romance story tucked away. in my opinion, powering through all of the crazy shit makes that true ending so much more enjoyable.

Amazing experience, absolutely loved my time with it. The story was great, visuals beautiful, ost and voices peak, overall the production is insane for a VN.

Aoko, Soujyuro and Alice were amazing main characters, all have wildly different personalities but they synchronize together so naturally and so well. Soujyuro especially felt like a truly unique character, took the idea of "simple to a fault" to the absolute limit while still retaining some great minor qualities as well.

Love that while it is a prequel to Tsukihime, that's not relevant to understand the main story like at all. It just affects how you view a small part of Tsukihime. And that small part is still much appreciated!

I understand there's to be two more sequels to this somehow, betweent ths and tsukihime remake I doubt anyone will see them this century, but that's alright as this story works perfectly on its own. The ending is amazing and doesn't feel unfinished, you just come away wanting to see more cause what was here is so good.

All the side chapters are great too, they help explore the side characters that don't do a whole lot in the main story super well, especially the big side chapter you get at the end.

All in all, just more peak, love the cast, would happily see them all again someday.